"That minivan that you drive really gets me going"

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Chapter 3

Claire's POV-

I looked for my keys but they were gone. I had to go pick up Kaity, my best friend, from the airport soon because she's coming to live with us in the band house, I guess.

I began to look for Ashton to see if he had seen them but hell I couldn't find him.

"Hey Claire" I turned around hearing my name, to see Luke waving me over to where him and the one and only Calum Hood were standing.

I ran over to where they were standing hoping Luke would introduce me so I don't have to say anything and embarrass myself.

I pick up on their conversation and Luke's talking about me.
"Calum this is Claire, my twin sister, that I literally met for the first time in forever! and she's pretty awesome" Luke introduced us.

"Thanks Luke" I chuckled replying with a smile on my face and he then again gives me another bone crushing hug.

I begin to saying my hellos to Calum and then Luke starts to play with my dirty blonde hair. "Hi I'm Calum, one of Luke's friends"

"Claire" I smiled.

"That's a pretty name, just like you" he gushed.

"Thanks" I blushed.

"Back off my sister" Luke shouts from behind us. He's so over protective so I rolled my eyes.

Before I left Calum and Luke to talk about whatever they talk about. I asked Luke if he has seen Ashton but he said he had to get a car. I immediately thought of my car again. At that moment I see my slate blue minivan arrive in the driveway. Relief brushed over me.

Then I hear Calums comment. "Why does Ashton always get the hot girls."

Luke just laughs and reminds Calum that my best friend is pretty hot and her names Kaity.

"Will you guys stop it?" I ask.

"I love you" Luke says to me.

"Love you too" I reply.

"LOVE YOU MOST" Luke shouts while I'm at my car.


"KAITY!!!!" I screamed running over to my best friend getting her bags out of my car. Oh, did I mention my best friend was moving in with me!! We've been friends since the beginning.

Calum's POV-

"KAITY!!!" Claire screams running over to her car.

Where have I heard that name before?

Claire's POV-

So apparently Ashton went to pick her up at the airport because he knew I would totally forget.

"HEY CLAIRE!!" she screams giving me her famous hugs, "how have you been? I haven't seen you in like 3 months!!" she continues. If you didn't know Kaity is a photographer and travels a lot so she's always away and I was so happy to see her!

"I'm amazing! I finally met Luke after forever! and my mom!!" I smile, holding in the tears.

"Oh yeah I remember you telling me about that!! Luke? Quiff, blonde, and hot?" she smirks.

"Kaity please don't say that" I say as she laughs.

"I'm just kidding! I have dibs on the one with brown hair, He looks like my old crush I had a few years back, I forgot his name though" She winks, as we both grab her bags and walk inside up to my room.

Was she talking about Calum?

Now that I think about it. Her and Calum would make a cute couple, As long as she's not talking about Ashton then there's no problem.

Luke's POV-

My girlfriend is coming over tonight and I'm really nervous for her to meet my family I hope she will accept our crazy family.

Her names Jordan and we've only been dating for about 2 months but I know a lot about her. She used to live In Alaska because she was a coast Guard for the USA. She also used to live in Michigan so she's not really used to the weather here.

Let's just say she has moved around a lot.

I really hope my mom accepts her and Claire too. I'm shaken out of my thoughts by Calum who just started talking about FIFA. Typical.


"Luke, honey will you come in here" My mom shouts from inside our house and Molly, my dog, starts to bark. "Bring Claire with you too dear." I grab Claire from where she is talking with Ashton after she has Kaity settled in.

We finally make it inside where mom is making cookies for tonight.

"Kids, you should probably get to know each other a little bit more because Claire just got here and you've both never met before, so why don't you play 10 facts."

I told Claire I'd go first, here I go

"Ok well,
1. My full name is Luke Robert Hemmings
2. My girlfriends name is Jordan
3.Im 16 years old
4.My Best friends are Michael, Calum and Ashton
5.Im in a band called 5 Seconds of Summer
6. I love my family
7.My dogs name is Molly
8. My role model is my mom
9. I can play guitar
10. I have a twin sister

"Wow, I really learned a lot Luke. Number 10 was amazing" Claire said sarcastically.

I give her a hug and kiss her cheek she smiles and hugs back obviously mom has to join in, cause that's just how she is. So she hugs us and tells us how lucky and happy she is to have us together again.

Kaity's POV-

After Claire helped me get settled in, I was excited to meet Luke's band, Claire used to tell me all about them.

One of them used to look like my old crush, but I haven't seen him in years. Who knows what he is doing these days.

I think his name was Calvin? Or Calum..

CALUM! THATS WHAT IT WAS!! I swear I've heard Claire say his name before when she was talking about Luke's band.

"Hey" I hear a boy with a cute lisp greet me.

I turned. Only to face Calum.
My old crush. Great.

"Hello Calum, remember me?" I asked.

"Kaity?! No way!! How have you been?" he asked smiling.

I chuckled "I've been great Cal, what about you"

"Great, I see you remembered the nickname you've given me. But yeah the band and I have been really well" He smiled. Man I've always loved his smile.

"That's wonderful, we should catch up sometime! This weekend?" Still smiling, hoping he'd say yes.

"For sure" He assured.

Claire's POV-

I'm so happy in our little family

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