"No one understands the chemistry we have"

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Omg before I start writing I just want to say thank you to everyone reading this book we got to 1.2K omg thank you all so much!!! Ily hope you enjoy this chapter! -kaity

Kaity's POV-
So I was currently sitting on the couch figuring out our plane tickets for tomorrow morning (A/N ik that you have to get them earlier but stay with me here) and I'm stressed out.

"WERE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!" I hear my stupid, loud, weird, funny, and lovable brother yell running around the house.
"MIKEY QUITE DOWN!!!" I yell back getting even more annoyed then I was before with these damn tickets.
"bUT WERE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!" That's the last thing I heard until I heard a big thud.
"He's so stupid" I mumble to myself then start walking to the kitchen
"Oh my god," I said as I saw my brother laying on the floor with a red mark on his forehead
I squatted down next to him "you okay there bud?" I asked
"Yep," he said popping the 'p'
"You sure?" I asked making sure he IS okay
"Yeah. You know why?" He said smirking
"Were going to disney" I said rolling my eyes. He's been talking about it ever since we told him.
"YES! DISNEY!!!!" He jumped up from the floor and running past me making me fall on my butt once when Luke walked in.
"Hello Lucas" I said smiling
"Hi Kaity" he said softly
"What's wrong Hemmo?" he smiled at my little "nickname" basically everyone calls him
"Nothin just tired I guess" he said
"Alright well get some sleep its getting late. We got a big day tomorrow" I smiled giving him a hug.
"I love your hugs because I'm so short and your a freaking tree" I giggled
"wow thanks that's nice" he laughed
"It's true. But I'm tired. G'night Luc-ass" I laughed out
He gasp "you think your a comedian don't you" he laughed
I shrugged and walked into Claire's room and saw her and Ashton cuddled up sleeping after watching a movie. I walked over to the tv and turns it off and whispered a g'night to the sleeping couple. After I closed the door quietly I walked into Michaels room to see him scrolling on his phone. Probably on Instagram.
"Goodnight bro. I love you" I smiled giving him a hug and kissing his cheek
"Goodnight little sis. Love ya too" he said while I was walking out of the door. When I walked past Luke's room I could already hear him snoring.
"Dang he was tired" I giggled one last time before walking into mine and Calum's room

"What's Gucci Calum T Hood?" I said trying to mimic his voice. Key word. Trying.
"No matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to get my voice right" he said laughing
"Don't remind me" I laughed out getting into bed because I already had my pajamas on.
"goodnight love" is the last thing I heard until sleep took over.

*the next morning*

Calum's POV-
I woke up to a mumbling voice and it belonged to Kaity.
"what are you doing up so early?" I looked at the clock on the side table. it read 7:30am
"well I don't know. we have a plane to be on at 10:30am and its 7:30am and by the time we get everyone up its at least gonna be 8:15am" she said in one breath. what I didn't notice is that she was already showered, dressed, and her makeup was done.
"alright I'll get ready" I said getting up and getting a whiff of coldness since I don't wear shirts to bed. Kaity has been so stressed out lately about this trip I'm glad that we'll be taking it though. we all need a break. before I had the effort to open my closet door to get a shirt I hugged Kaity cause she needed it.
"uggghhh I'm so tiredddddd" she whined in my chest.
"you're a whiner" I laughed
"thanks" she said as she flopped on the bed.
I just laughed as I walked into the bathroom to get ready.

Kaity's POV-
I am so freaking tired
as I walked out of the bedroom door I saw Ashton, Claire and LUKE already in the kitchen eating breakfast
"well less work for me to get yall up. thank you" I giggled "now all I have to do is wake up Mikey" I mumble to myself
I sighed as I walked into his room passed out of the bed.
'we're doing this my way' I thought. I jumped up to the top his bed and started jumping and screaming
"IM UP!" he yelled as he rolled onto the ground
i giggled "thank you" I smiled walking out

*an hour later*

we were now just pulling into the airport after we got everyone. and let me tell you the car ride was crazy almost everyone was passed out besides Claire and I. we had a nice conversation about he boys. but we mostly laughed.
anywaysssss as we walked through security everything went fine and we were now eating at TGI Fridays and Calum just took one of Michaels fries and now I'm comforting Mikey because everyone knows not touch his food. after that crazy experience we were now boarding the plane to Disney world.

*two hours onto the plane ride*
"I'm so excited!!!" I whispered to Calum. who obviously was sitting next to me.
"me too! me and Ash have somethin planed for you and Claire. but don't tell Ash I said that. he wants it to be a secret" he said putting air quotes around secret


the whole plane ride consisted of Calum and i cuddling somehow😂 (hehe bæ), talking, taking pictures, listening to music, and don't forget about making fun of people on this plane. And let me tell you there were weird ones. we were now 10 minutes until landing and I couldn't be more excited. after we woke up everyone from sleeping the plane has finally landed and it's time for Disney World.

Please be a good trip I thought to myself. Well.

Here goes nothing.


HEY YALL! it's Kaity khood18 and thanks again for 1.2K reads it mean a lot hope you enjoyed this chapter. comment your thoughts! and the picture above is Calum and mines outfits for the plane/that day! so yeah! hope you enjoyed tweet me some questions or what you want in the future chapters @hypeshackelford !!! and my instagram is @ktxxvi


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