"Walk my way Mrs. All American"

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Claires POV-

Girls night was so fun! But Kaity's not getting any better. She's pale and gloomy and looks like she's overly tired. She doesn't want to go to the doctors. Calum and I keep begging her to we've even formed an alliance called the KGTTD (Kaity go to the doctors.) Yep we went that far. Ashton,Michael,Meghan and Hayes have all joined KGTTD and today we're going to make her go, whether she likes it or not. Calum and I are getting really worried because she's not getting better . Soon were leaving to go to Michigan to see our family at home. I'm really excited to go see my family and Luke wanted to come to see my dad and my step-mom but I told him he could see them later. Liz has to leave too were kinda scared about luke being home alone so I might bring him to be safe. Luke's not a baby or anything but his anxiety really can get to him and It usually doesn't end very well for me and Ashton. Today Ashton is taking me on a date at 7 it's 10 am now so I have the whole day to try to get Kt to the doctors I hear Keys jingle and see CALUM AND KAITY GOING TO THE DOCTORS!!! "Calum" I shout across the room "Claire I did it she's going" "great job cal" "I have to go but Claire have fun on your date with Ash" "thanks cal bye kaity" "bye Claire"

*6 hours later 3:00 pm"

I don't know what to wear!!! I whine at kaity "be your self wear what you usually do" I picked out a teal flowery strapless dress and straighten my dirty blonde hair I'm punk rock so I wear galaxy vans with my dress. Guys I'm secretly Michael Clifford. I'm really excited for our date tonight😘. I just wear my casual makeup but put a little more work into it. I check my blue iPhone 5c and it's already 6:40 wow time flys when your getting ready. I tie my shoelaces on my vans and fix my dress and walk into the living room area. The door bell rings it's kinda funny because Ashton lives here and he still rings the doorbell. I open the door and see Ashton's jaw drop "close your mouth you'll catch flies" "um sorry" I bring him into a hug and he kisses me. "You ready to go" he asked me "yep" we walk hand in hand to his sports car that has the top off. So much for doing my hair. I receive a text from Kaity: how's the date going😏 I text back: I just got out of the driveway stupidddd. Ashton keeps staring I decide to catch him again "take a picture it will last longer babe" "your just gonna tease me like that all night" "pretty much" he starts to drive and he holds my hand on the council and at every red light he kisses me. Then green day starts to play on the radio.I'm guessing tonight we're taking the long way home" "you bet" "I think I might write a song about this later" "that's so cute ash" soon after we arrive at the beach and there's a picnic blanket wait how did he know my dream date is eating chocolate strawberries and watching the sunset on the beach. "You like it" "omg Ashton your the best boyfriend ever" I jump in his arms and he kisses me and I hug him. "Claire your so perfect" "look who's talking" "Claire I want you to promise me something" "yeah" "never ever ever feel bad or put your self down with your anxiety I know your strong and can get through this with me I just love you so much and can't stand to see you sad babe I love how your laugh is unique I love your smile and your blue eyes that look at me I love you and all your little things" "your so sweet babe " "are you hungry because I brought your favorite things likeeee" he pulls out chocolate strawberries and cheesecake "this date can not get any better what if I said that I'm taking you to disney in Florida next week and we're staying for 2 weeks at old key west!" "ASHTON FLETCHER IRWIN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" "Claire Grace Hemmings you know I love you more" we spent the rest of the day eating chocolate and playing at the beach I'm so excited for next week. We took the long way home and I was really tired.

Kaitys POV
I see an asleep Claire in Ashton's arms "fun date huh Ashton" "yes she was so tired" "that's so cute" he kisses her on her forehead softly like she's a little China doll that will break if you touch her. I'm wondering what Calums doing I have to tell him about this.

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