The Decision

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Selena POV

The meeting with Regina had gone better than I could ever have expected. She had been funny, kind, slightly mischievous and above all, she had listened to me. And that's all I really want. Someone who understands me. I smiled as I pulled the covers further under my chin (Regina had paid for this hotel for the next month) and thought about the future I could have with her. I thought about what it would be like to wake up to someone making breakfast, someone kissing me on the cheek and wishing me a good day at school, someone waiting at home to ask me how my day had been, someone to watch TV with while eating dinner, someone who I could argue with about bedtimes and someone who would come into my room when I was fast asleep and kiss me on my forehead. I had never had that. Yes, I had foster parents who had tried to treat me like their own, but they had never hugged me or listened to me or anything like that. They had just...provided for me. But Regina seemed different. Like she genuinely cared about me. And in that moment, I realised that I would say yes to her offer. Even if there was a lot more to her then meets the eye...

Regina POV

I paced up and down my hotel room anxiously, slapping my phone on the palm of my hand as I did so. I was waiting for Emma to call me back. I needed reassurance that I had done the right thing. The afternoon with Selena had gone brilliantly, absolutely brilliantly and I hoped beyond hope that she would let me foster her. She made me so happy and I just hoped I could do the same for her. But I still hadn't told her that I'm her mother. I couldn't. It didn't feel like the time. But maybe I should have done. I may have gone slightly too far with the whole my-adopted-son-is-actually-my-step-great- grandson thing, but I think she just took it as a joke and moved on. Hopefully. She's not stupid though, she knows there is more to me and my life than it seems. I mean, of course she's suspicious, she's my daughter. Just then my phone erupted in a cascade of musical notes and the name EMMA popped up on my screen. Sighing in relief, I picked up the phone.
"Hello?" I called.
"Regina? Are you okay? Your message sounded...frantic."
"Nice to know you care, Swan." I smirked.
"I don't. It's part of the friendship contract you made me sign."
I laughed. She always knew how to cheer me up. Just like Selena did today.
"So what happened? How did it go?" Emma asked, sounding almost like an excited teenager after their best friend had just been on a date. Sitting down, I began retelling the day's events.
"...and she was lovely. So funny she could even give you a run for your money."
"She was sweet too. I think I managed to knock down a few of her walls because she let me squeeze her shoulders while we left."
"Okay yeah that is a big step. I didn't let anyone touch me when I was her age." Emma admitted.
"Yes well that's because you carried a very contagious disease, did you not?"
"Huh? Did I?"
"Yes, dear, it was called idiotis stupiditivis." I said solemnly.
Emma snorted. "I'm glad the docs caught it in time."
"They didn't, sweetie. Anyway, I think she is seriously considering taking me up on my offer."
"But that's great, Gina!" Emma exclaimed, her excitement evident through the phone.
"So why did you sound so anxious?" She said slowly.
"Well...I didn't tell her that I'm her mother." I mumbled.
"Oh, Regina." Emma said sadly.
"I know, I know! It just didn't feel like the right time. I thought it would scare her away." I said desperately.
"Hmm...maybe you're right. I mean you are the best judge in this situation. But listen to me, if things do go to plan and she agrees, when will you tell her?"
"I-I don't know." I cried.
"Hey hey it's okay! It's not a big deal. In fact, I think you probably did the right thing."
"You do?"
"Yeah, I do. Scaring her away would be the worst thing to do right now. Maybe you're right. Maybe she should get to know you properly first and live with you for a bit before you tell her. So she won't-"
"So she won't want to leave when she finds out." I finished softly.
"Exactly!" I could basically feel Emma positively beaming and that made me crack a smile too.
"Thanks Emma." I said grinning.
"No problem." She said happily. We spoke for a bit longer while Emma told me about her day and how Henry was before I let out a yawn that I couldn't disguise as a laugh and so Emma forced me to go to bed.
"Goodnight, Regina." Emma whispered.
"Goodnight, Emma." I yawned.
"I told you you were tired!" She said triumphantly.
"And I didn't argue."
"Did too."
"Did not."

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