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Selena POV
Tomorrow. My birthday was tomorrow. I stared up at the cream ceiling, my arms twitching restlessly by my side as I thought about what tomorrow would hold for me. Would I become the Darkest One or would I be able to fight it? Even then, I would lose myself. If I did become the Darkest One, then I would lose myself to darkness but if I fought it, I would still lose myself as I would have to suppress literally every emotion in order to prevent myself becoming the Darkest One. "An empty shell of the girl you love". I sighed and turned my head to face Regina who was sleeping soundly next to me. She would lose something tomorrow too. I hoped she was ready for it. Just then, Regina began to stir. Her eyes opened gently and she smiled sleepily as she saw me looking at her.
"What are you staring at?"
"Oh, just marvelling at how you never seem to get bed head." I said quickly.
"Neither do you." She chuckled. I smiled gently but I knew she could see through it. "Don't be scared, my love. We can do this."
I sighed and nodded, kissing her swiftly on her forehead before I jumped out of bed and entered the bathroom. Was it bad that I couldn't stop thinking about Scar? Or the golden flecks in his sapphire blue eyes? I shook my head aggressively. This was NOT the time for a schoolboy crush on the Black Fairy's apprentice.
"Pancakes for breakfast?" Regina called after me.
"Always." I grinned.
15 minutes later and I was heading down to breakfast, only pausing to pull a dressing gown on over my pyjamas. I smiled happily as the smell of homemade pancakes filled my nostrils.
"They smell delicious, Mum!" I drooled, plonking myself down at the table. Regina chuckled and placed a plate of hot pancakes, drizzled with lemon juice and sugar, in front of me. I groaned happily and immediately started wolfing it down.
"Darling?" Regina asked as she came to sit opposite me.
"Hmm?" I replied offhandedly, my attention fully focused on adding just the right amount of sugar to balance out the remaining lemon juice.
"Is there anything in particular you'd like to do today?" She asked cautiously.
"What do you mean?" I frowned, finally looking up.
"Well," She began awkwardly, "seeing as you're not going to have a proper celebration tomorrow, I was thinking maybe you would like to do something today?" She finished, finally meeting my eyes. I smiled warmly at her.
"I'd love to."
"Brilliant." She grinned in relief.
"So, what sort of stuff were you thinking?" I asked as I shovelled another mouthful in. Before Regina could answer, however, the front door was pulled open and slammed closed.
"Morning, Mom." Henry called.
"Henry?" Regina answered, confused, as she got up to greet him.
"Why do you sound so-" Henry started as he entered the kitchen, where he saw me sitting quite comfortably in my pyjamas enjoying my pre-birthday breakfast.
"Selena!" He screeched, causing Regina to jump and bang her head on the cabinet above her. I chuckled as she groaned and rubbed her head, shooting Henry an annoyed look which he ignored.
"What?" I asked lazily.
"It is 8:35! We have TEN minutes to get to school and you're not even dressed yet!" He yelled, grabbing my arm.
"Ouch! Gerrof me you maniac!" I said aggressively, yanking my arm out of his steel grasp.
"Mom!" Henry begged, turning to Regina who was chuckling to herself.
"What?" He demanded, looking between us.
"I'm sorry, dear. I forgot to let you know Selena isn't going to school today." Regina said apologetically.
"Not going to school? Why?" Henry frowned, a worry line appearing faintly on his forehead.
"It's my birthday eve." I shrugged.
"No, your birthday eve is tonight." He corrected. I rolled my eyes and threw an arm around his shoulders."
"Come, Brother of mine, and join the festivities. It will be way better than school, I can assure you of that." I said dramatically, throwing my free arm into air. He sighed and shoved me off him, only causing me to grin and Regina to smile to herself.
"I'm going to school." He said firmly.
"Oh come on, Henry!" I groaned.
"No! Someone has to be the responsible sibling and apparently that's not you!" He said critically. I mocked wiping a tear and he laughed in spite of himself.
"Are you sure you won't stay, dear?" Regina asked again.
"Yeah, Mom. I have something on at lunch." Henry apologised.
"Yeah, a creative writing club or something equally as nerdy." I snorted, causing Regina to give me a pointed look.
"Oh come off it, you spend half your time in the Biology labs!" He shot back.
"Biology is quite literally LIFE." I exclaimed, affronted.
"I've given birth to two nerds." Regina sighed sadly.
"One." I corrected.
"Yep, Emma gave birth to other one." Henry piped. "Which is even more shocking." He added as an afterthought, causing us all to laugh.
"I really do have to go now." Henry said hastily as he checked his watch.
"Alright, Brother. You'll miss out though." I said, trying to persuade him one last time. He just chuckled and shook his head, gave Regina a swift hug and then was slamming the front door shut behind him.
"I don't know where you went wrong with that one." I joked. Regina chuckled lightly and set about picking up our dishes.
"So, any ideas about what you want to do?" Regina asked with her back to me.
"Can we maybe practice teleporting?" I asked sheepishly, watching her movements carefully.
She turned slowly to face me, a frown on her face.
"Teleporting?" She repeated.
"Yeah, you know, when you disappear in a puff of purple smoke." I said hopefully. She hesitated but then smiled gently and nodded.
"Okay, darling. If teleporting is what you desire, than teleporting is what we shall do."

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