The Town Line

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Regina POV

I sat rigid in my seat, my mind blank and my eyes filling with tears.
"Regina? Are you okay?" Came a soft voice from the back of the car. Selena. Fresh tears rose to the surface but I brushed them aside hastily and turned to give her what I thought was a reassuring smile.
"Yes, dear. I'm fine." I said, the break in my voice giving me away.
"No you're not. What's wrong?" Selena said, concern etched on her face.
"I'm just glad you're here, that's all. I've waited so long for this." I said softy.
"Well, don't worry. I'm not going anywhere." She smiled. And this, of course, made me want to break down into fresh sobs. Instead, I squeezed her hand and then turned to face the front, letting a tear slide slowly down my cheek as I struggled to keep myself from sobbing out loud.
"Regina." Emma breathed. "What are we going to do?"
I didn't answer as I forced my mind to concentrate and think up a solution to this seemingly impossible to solve problem. Finally, after quite a while, I responded.
"We go to Storybrooke."


And then we were kilometres away from the town line. My mind whirred with fear and anticipation, my heart beating fast with every breath I took. What if I was wrong? What if she didn't have magic? I took a deep breath, trying to settle my nerves. Emma patted me gently on the thigh.
"It's going to be okay." She whispered. I barely registered her, my mind still whirring with possibilities. Rumplestiltskin had used magic to conceal my pregnancy so maybe she had magic too. I clenched my fists tightly, my head pounding. I was wrong. Not many people were born with magic. The only person I knew was Emma. So I knew I was wrong. But before I could yell at Emma to turn her damn bug around, we were metres away from the town line. My voice caught in my throat and I couldn't force out the words to save my daughter's life. One metre. A sudden flash of purple and gold exploded before my eyes and I knew we had crossed the line. Literally.

Selena POV

For a few terrifying seconds, the car lurched from side to side and I saw  weird flashes of purple and gold light before everything went back to normal, almost as if nothing had happened at all. I groaned as I shook my head, trying to get that weird feeling as if we had driven right into a force field out of my head. It was probably me just not being used to driving on this side of the road, I decided. And the lights were probably my imagination. But Emma and Regina had felt the shake and seen the light too. I could see it in their eyes. Regina, however, was looking at me with an almost awe like expression on her face, her eyes alight with happiness and her lips carved in a beaming smile. She let out a relieved laugh then, causing Emma to grin at her and causing me to frown. What was going on?

Regina POV

She had magic. She had magic. I couldn't believe it. It was almost impossible. I had learnt magic and Daniel didn't have a magic bone in his body, yet here she was, my daughter, with the same powerful gift that had been bestowed upon me. I smiled happily. I had finally found the missing piece of my happy ending.

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