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Zelena POV
It was only after she had left that I realised it was the same girl on Regina's phone. I frowned. She must be pretty important. Not particularly wanting to spend the entire night pitched outside my sister's house, I allowed myself a brief teleportation to the small hut I had acquired during my previous stay in Storybrooke. Throwing my scarf on the chair as I sauntered off to bed, I laid out my plan. And first on the list, was finding out everything therpe was to know about that girl, and fast. Regina would be home soon, meaning my presence in this excuse for a town would not be a secret for much longer. Smiling, I slipped under the covers and decided the perfect cover was that awful diner. It was perfect, and tomorrow afternoon would be when I put my plan into action.

The next morning, I dressed hastily and got ready to leave. First, I decided invisibility would be useful. I couldn't risk being seen, after all. With a quick wave of my hand, I felt the usual ripple pass through my body and saw, well didn't see my entire body disappear. With a smile, I disappeared in a cloud of green smoke and reappeared outside Granny's diner. I strolled through the open door and passed by the counter, only allowing myself a quick glimpse of my surroundings. Deciding it was futile to waste any more time, I  muttered a quick incantation as I got to the back of the shop and slipped quickly out of harm's way as the roaring flames began to engulf the building. Terrified yells and screams filled the air around me and I had to fight back the urge to laugh out loud. It was too much, all these hideous peasants screaming so pathetically as they ran flustered towards the exit.
"Out! Go, get out!" Came a shrill cry from who I recognised to be Granny. Smiling to myself, I expanded my protective shield slightly and stretched back to await the girl I was looking for.


Selena POV
"I have to go!"
"I'm coming with you!"
"Snow, no! Stay with the kids, I'll sort this out. I am the sheriff after all."
I groaned loudly and reluctantly prised open my left eye. What the hell was going on? What was all the shouting about? I shook my head and got ready to delve back into my dream about a time machine and an incredibly handsome Doctor.
I gasped and shot upright, the noise scaring me out of my trance. I jumped out of bed, grabbed my hairbrush and approached the stairs quietly. I poked my head cautiously around the door and glanced over the railings. All seemed quiet, until -
"AAAARGHHH!" I yelled and jumped clean over the banister, landing like a cat on the wooden floorboards below me. I chucked the hairbrush I was holding over my shoulder and sent the only moving thing in the room crashing into a wall with my outstretched hand.
"Selena!" Came a gasp from above me. Looking up, I saw Henry looking fearfully down at me. "That's Gran!"
My eyes widened as I lowered my trembling hand and rushed to the heap on the floor.
"Mary Margaret? Mary Margaret!" I shouted as I shook her limp form. "Mary Margaret, get up!" There was no response. Quickly, I hurried to put her in the recovery position, something I had learned at school and assumed would still work on magical injuries.
I froze as I was adjusting her elbow.
"What?" I asked.
"Jskakdkakd." She repeated and I sighed in relief as the inaudible words escaped her lips.
"You're okay!" Henry said relieved as he slumped down on the floor next to me. "You're okay." He repeated.
"Mary Margaret, I'm so sorry!" I whispered as I sat her up.
"It's okay." She mumbled.
"No, it isn't! I just thought it was a bad guy you know so I...well I attacked." I muttered sheepishly as I rubbed the back of the neck with my palm.
Mary Margaret smiled at me.
"It's okay, dear. Emma was the same when she was trying to get her magic under control too."
"I'm still sorry." I said guiltily as I handed Mary Margaret her slightly lukewarm cup of tea.
"Don't be silly, sweetheart." She said waving her hand. She looked down at her tea with a frown and then gave a little scream.
"What?" Henry and I said in unison.
"David! He's gone to Granny's!" Mary Margaret said as she jumped to her feet.
"Cool, can he get me a grilled cheese for lunch?" Henry yawned.
"No, you idiot. There's something going on at Granny's isn't there? I heard shouting this morning." I asked calmly.
Mary Margaret looked at me and tilted her head, almost as if she was trying to figure me out.
"Yes." She said finally. "Come on, let's go."
"But what about Neal?" Henry asked as we ran towards the door. Skidding to a halt, Mary Margaret turned back to her son.
"Damn it." She said softly.
"Mary Margaret, I'm sure David is fine. It was probably just burned scones or something." I reassured her.
"Yeah, I'm sure it's fine, Grandma! Serena and I will check it out though, you stay here." Henry said hurriedly and then he was grabbing me by the hand and pulling me out the door before Snow could finish saying "Don't you dare."

"Henry!" I yelled as we approached the roaring flames.
"Stay behind me, Selena!" He roared back as he sprinted away from me.
"Behind him? I was the one with magic!" I thought bitterly. Clenching my jaw I burst through the throng of people and into the choking smoke, my eyes watering.
"Selena? Henry? What are you doing here?" David roared as he came over to us, a wet towel clamped against his mouth.
"I can stop it!" I screamed back. "It's magical fire, look! The flames are almost GREEN, David! This can't be normal fire!"
"No! It's too dangerous!"
"David, please! Just let me try!"
"Grandpa, let her." Henry spluttered. "She's stronger than you think she is." I smiled gratefully at my adopted half brother or whatever he was and then turned hopefully to David.
"Fine." He muttered although his blue eyes were full of caution. But you stay next to me the whole time."
I nodded vigorously as closed my eyes, trying to suppress my fear.
"Concentrate, Selena. Focus on yourself and your own power, nothing else." Regina's voice whispered to me. I nodded almost subconsciously, slowing my breathing and blocking out my surroundings. And soon, David's shouts to the surrounding crowd to "GET BACK!" faded into insignificance, the splutters and coughs diminished and it was just me. Just me against this wall of flames. I could do it. I pushed my arms out in front of me and splayed my fingers, imagining cool water erupting and putting out the flames. I felt a slight tickle in my shoulder. I focused in on the sound of the water getting louder and louder as it forced its way through me and doused the diminishing flames. I opened my mouth - every part of my body was responding to the call of the water. I felt a shattering scream emerge from within me, my heart was racing and my eyes flickered open. I gasped. From my hands was flowing not water, but purple light. I staggered backwards but the light kept going, kept putting out the flames. I couldn't let it stop, not yet. I screwed my eyes tight again and concentrated on my lessons with Regina. Focus on yourself. I thought about the first time I met Regina. Her blazing brown eyes so like mine. I felt the magic growing stronger. I heard shouts but I pushed them aside. Nobody else matters, just you and your magic. Feel it, believe in it. MORE! There was so much more magic, flowing through my veins, forcing it's way out of me. I felt so free, so alive! Like my entire body wanted to experience this freedom, this amazing feeling of magic ripping through my every fibre!
"Selena, that's enough!"
What was enough? Magic could never be enough! There was never enough magic! Never!
"Selena, stop! STOP!" The voice grew louder and louder, more and more urgent.
Stop? Why? Perhaps a new spell? I forced my eyes to open but the gasp of horror that escaped my parted lips was completely involuntary. The fire were gone but debris was flying left, right and centre. As I watched, a rogue brick went flying into Grumpy's head, knocking him backwards onto the floor. David had his arms thrown over Henry to protect him and yet the screams were worse than the physical pain I could see. Splintering, heart shattering screams erupted around me and I hated it. I gasped again and I felt all the magic leave me. I felt everything leave me. My knees buckled and I fell to the ground, the last thing I remembered being a soft familiar voice whispering in my ear as gentle hands gripped my arms.
"I've got you now, my pretty."

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