Hello, my Pretty

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Zelena POV

What idiots! I laughed to myself as I strolled down the busy high street. Did they really think I wouldn't notice Emma's bright yellow bug sitting right outside my house? Honestly, my sister was just an embarrassment to the name of evil. Looking behind me and having a quick glance at the window which signified my apartment, I slipped one of Marion's disgusting hair pins out of my hair and slid it into the lock on Emma's car. With a satisfying click, I pulled the door open and crept inside, my now dull brown hair blowing in the wind.
"Now what do we have here, Miss Swan?" I muttered to myself as I artfully tried to find anything that could help me.
"Ah! That little black thing Robin always uses! What's it called? A...a boff? No, no that's Rowland's teddy. Ah yes! A phone!"
Grinning, my cold fingers wrapped around the cool device as I pulled it onto my lap. Pressing the little round button thing, the phone lit up, only to taunt me with a sickening picture of Regina, her and Emma's little brat, and...another girl. I frowned. This girl must be pretty  important to my sister if she's in this picture. But who was she? I stared at her chestnut brown hair, lightly tanned skin and chocolate eyes, trying to figure out why she looked so damn familiar. Then I noticed her smile. A slight quirk to the right and from the way Regina had the exact same smile on her face, I could only guess that they were related.
"Some long lost goldfish's aunt's daughter or something probably." I chuckled. "Which would make her my long lost goldfish's aunt's daughter as well. Hmm. Don't I love our family tree?"
Shaking my head, I revved up the engine with a quick hand gesture. Magic may have its limits outside Storybrooke, but being the Wicked Witch of the West does have its advantages. Cackling to myself, I drove Emma's pathetic excuse for a vehicle back towards Storybrooke, leaving my sister with her happy ending. Or so she thought.


Selena POV

"Henry!" I yelled up the stairs. "HEEENNRRYYYY!"
"Is someone dying or something?" Henry responded, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"It's 3o'clock in the afternoon so yes, someone will be dying if you don't get your butt downstairs." I said in fake anger. He grumbled something under his breath but headed over to the bathroom anyway, his soft brown hair sticking up at all angles.
"You look like a porcupine." I called after him as I plonked myself back down on the sofa. He merely stuck his tongue out and closed the bathroom door behind him. Chuckling to myself, I began to flick aimlessly through channels. Honestly, living in this mental world really had made everything else seem boring. Except Harry Potter. And Doctor Who. And -
"Budge up." Henry said as he approached the sofa.
"There's nothing on!" I groaned, throwing my head back onto the couch as I threw the remote on his lap.
"Who needs TV?" He grinned.
"You have an idea, don't you?" I asked, a small smile forming on my lips as I turned to face him.
"Oh, I have many, sister of mine."

"You know," I began as I stared across the table at Henry. "When you said you had an idea, I didn't quite think it was cleaning the kitchen."
"Gramps is always cleaning it for Grandma. I reckoned we could give him a break." Henry shrugged.
"Well, aren't you a thoughtful little bunny." I fake cooed. He gave me a sarcastic smile and carried on wiping the table. I sighed.
"I'm bored!" I groaned.
"Well, get a cloth and start wiping."
I rolled my eyes but sauntered over to the dishes and began washing.

"I feel like Cinderella." I muttered from the floor as Henry and I scrubbed the tiles with a sponge and bucket.
"Hmm? Oh, she's lovely. Cute kid too." Henry replied.
"What? Oh yeah! I actually forgot about the whole fairytale thing for a moment." I laughed.
"How did I forget about the whole fairytale thing?" I added, confused. Henry snorted.
"It'll stop being the fairytale thing soon, trust me. It'll just be...normal."
"Hmm. So, have you ever been to fairytale land?" I asked, getting to my feet.
"You mean the Enchanted Forest?" He chuckled, taking the bucket from my hand and putting it back in the bathroom.
"You know what I mean."
"Sure do, sis. Anyway, no I haven't been to the Enchanted Forest in real life. I have when a new book was written though. That was weird." He mused as he chucked me a bag of crisps.
"New book?"
"Yeah. This guy - the old author- wrote a new book where all the villains get their happy endings and the heroes suffer. I went in there to save my family and, well, it all took place in the Enchanted Forest."
"You're the new author, right? So you can, I don't know, write a new book, jump in and go exploring?" I mused aloud.
"No. The job means I only record, I don't make up. And anyway, even if I could, I broke the quill."
"You what?!" I yelped, jumping off the sofa we were now lounging on.
"I broke it." Henry stated again.
"It was too powerful." He said. I stared at him.
"Wow, you really are a good kid, aren't you?"
"You say it like it's a bad thing." He frowned.
"No, I say it in awe." I said solemnly, placing a hand over my heart. He shook his head with a laugh before we settled down to watch some TV.


Zelena POV

Nobody had noticed me yet. I had ditched Emma's yellow bug a couple of yards away from Storybrooke as I knew they'd recognise the Saviour's car within minutes. I had walked the rest of the way and found myself walking towards Regina's house - mansion - whatever. Either way, she still had everything I ever wanted. I growled low in my throat at the thought but quickly pushed my hatred down, knowing I couldn't let even a hint of anger show. I could see the white walls hiding behind the lush green bushes now. How was she not happy when she had all of this? She had money, power and family and yet she was still sobbing over one dude that had died like seventeen centuries ago. Honestly, she was such an embarrassment. If I didn't hate her so much, I might have even offered her lessons in evil but, I do, so no point thinking about having a family or any other mushy nonsense. I had reached the door now, the familiar green haze surrounding my palm as I held it towards the door knob.
"Damn it!" I screeched as I was thrown onto the soft grass behind me.
"Maybe you're not as stupid as I thought you were, little sister." I smiled mischievously as I fingered the necklace concealing my true form. I would just have to figure out another way to get into this damn house but I wasn't worried. Like I said, being the Wicked Witch of the West has its privileges.


Selena POV

"Thanks, Mary Margaret, that was delicious." I praised as we picked up the plates from the table.
"No problem, sweetheart!" Came her chirpy response. She really did seem like Snow White now I knew her.
"Perfect as always." David smiled from where he was doing the dishes.
"Aye, I'd even say you're better at it than me." Killian winked as David tossed him the towel to dry the dishes with.
"Will you cook for me one day then, Killian?" I challenged from across the table.
"Is that a challenge, mate?" He grinned.
"More of an...honour challenge." I decided.
"An honour challenge, eh? And what might that be, love?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"A challenge to keep your honour in tact, of course." I smirked as I walked past him and into the kitchen. He just snorted and whacked me playfully with the towel.
"You really are Regina's daughter, I'll give you that much." He laughed.
"And you really will be a dashing rapscallion if you buy me a new phone?" I tried eagerly.
"You'll be hallucinating if that ever happens." He replied gravely as I faked being utterly anguished.
"Alright, alright, you two." Mary Margaret interrupted with a motherly smile. "Killian, those dishes won't wash themselves. And Selena, if you wouldn't mind helping David over there who's very discreetly cleaning up the water he's just dropped all over the floor, I'd be very grateful."
Snorting, I walked over to where David was wearing an embarrassed face and grabbed the mop from behind him.
"Genius." Killian muttered.


Zelena POV

Okay so getting into Regina's house wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be but nevertheless, I would be able to see if she was hiding anything rather easily. Smirking, I strolled through to her back garden and leant against the bark of her beloved apple tree.
"I'll only be a second!" Came a chirpy voice from the front garden. My fingertips froze, hovering only inches away from one of those oh so tempting apples.
"Damn!" I hissed and ran behind the tree, obscuring myself from vision. From between the branches of the tree, I managed to catch glimpses of a young girl with brown hair walking into and then out of the house. I frowned. That meant she had a key and was able to get past the wards. How could she do that if I couldn't? It couldn't be blood magic because I obviously had access to that too. I groaned quietly in frustration. Suddenly, the girl's head snapped round and she stared right at me from the front of the front garden. She frowned slightly and began to walk towards where I stood, her cautious steps fast approaching while I slid further back into the shadows.
"Regina? Is that you? You can't be back already, can you?" The voice called. I bit my tongue, anxious that I was breathing too heavily.
"Must have just been a squirrel." She muttered to herself and then she ran back to that snivelling Prince's waiting car and drove off. As soon as she had gone, I shifted from the shadows. She was the key.
"Hello, my pretty." I smirked.

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