Meeting Emma Swan

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Selena POV

The plane had just landed and Regina and I were now collecting my luggage while she texted Emma Swan to come and pick us up. I liked the sound of this Emma. But I still couldn't shake the fact that Regina had called me her daughter when standing up to those bullies. And she hadn't even faltered, or stammered or anything. It almost sounded like I really was her daughter. I smiled. She had saved me from the people who had tormented me for the last five years of my life as even though I doubt I would ever see them again, I knew now that they wouldn't hurt me online either. I also knew, however, that their words would never leave me and I would never be whole again. How could I be after I had attempted suicide   and my scars were a constant reminder of my pain? I wouldn't tell Regina. Well, not yet anyway.
"Emma's on her way." Regina smiled as she looked down at me.
"Brilliant." I said tiredly.
"You can go to sleep in the car." Regina said affectionately.
"No way! I want to see America!" I said grinning.
"Okay, tiger." Regina laughed as we stood waiting outside for Emma Swan.
"Ah, here she is." Regina said smiling as a small yellow bug came into view. "Sorry about the colour." She whispered, her eyes twinkling. Just then, Emma Swan walked out of the car , her hair cascading down past her shoulders in golden curls and her green eyes sparkling as she looked at us.
"Regina!" She exclaimed, walking towards us. "And you must be Selena?" She asked, smiling at me.
"Yeah. Nice to meet you." I smiled as I shook her hand. Her dress sense was the total opposite of Regina's. While Regina went for blazers and pencil skirts, Emma went for red leather jackets and jeans. I grinned. It was hard to believe these two were best friends.


"So." Emma began as we drove along the motorway, "How are you finding America?"
"It's great! A lot bigger than England...and a lot less rainy." I said as I looked out of the window.
"Yes, I've heard a lot about England's weather reputation." Emma laughed.
"Why yellow?" I mused aloud.
"What?" Emma asked, frowning at me in the wing mirror.
"Sorry! I didn't mean it's a bad colour I just meant-"
"Like mother like daughter." Emma laughed and Regina smacked her.
"Ow! Sorry, sorry!" Emma yelped. "It's not like she heard me." She added under her breath. I should probably warn them I have awesome hearing. It's my superpower.
"She doesn't have much control over her mouth." Regina informed me as she turned to look at me, giving me a quick wink as she did so.
"You don't have much control over your temper." Emma shot back.
"Shut up and focus on the road, Swan."
Emma just laughed and nudged her jokingly. Just then, Emma's phone began to ring and Regina struggled to try and get it out of her pocket as she snapped at Emma to stay still and stop laughing ("It tickles!"). Finally, she managed to extract the phone from Emma's left pocket after a considerable amount of danger while she was leaning across Emma's entire body to reach it.

Regina POV

"Hello?" I panted.
"Emma?" Came the unmistakable voice of Mary Margaret.
"No, it's Regina."
"Oh, Regina! How are you? Good? Good. We're all good here too. Henry's at Jefferson's and Neal is happy and-" She rambled.
"Mary Margaret. What has happened?" I asked quickly, knowing she rambles when she's avoiding something.
"Well, um, there's been a slight, ah, advancement in the town's borders." Mary Margaret said slowly.
"What is it? What's happened?" I asked frantically.
"Well, you see, only people who have magic can get back in and so, um, your daughter -"
"Won't be able to." I finished slowly.
"Er yes." Mary Margaret muttered.
"So what do we do?" I said, almost yelling at Mary Margaret's lack of help.
"I don't know! It's a new advancement and so we haven't found any loopholes yet." She said, sounding as if she was on the brink of tears. "Oh Regina, I'm so sorry. You've just found her and now-"
"Don't say it." I snapped, earning a reproachful look from Emma.
"I have to go. David and I are going to see Gold." Mary Margaret said quickly and then she was gone. I slowly lowered the phone from my ear and turned to look at Emma, fear etched in every line of my face.
"Emma." I started. She turned to give me a quick glimpse before looking back to the road.
"Emma, only those with what Gold has can pass the town line." I said deliberately, trying to choose my words carefully.
"A dagger?" She whispered. I rolled my eyes. Trust her not to understand. I tuned to look at Selena and saw she had her earphones in.
"No, you idiot. Magic." I said quickly.
"Magic?" Emma almost screamed, giving me the right to smack her arm and hiss at her to shut up.
"Sorry, sorry!" She mumbled, rubbing the place I had hit her.
"Doesn't matter about that now. But what the bloody hell do we do?"

Selena POV

After Regina had picked up the phone, I had put my earphones in and was deaf to the world. Or so they thought. Unluckily for them, my superpower meant I heard certain fragments of their conversation that I don't think they wanted me to hear. For example, the word magic about three times. What the hell was going on?

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