This is Me

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Selena POV

My name is Selena. Selena no-last-name. What kind of a surname is that, you may ask? Well, it isn't. That's the point. I don't have a surname because I have absolutely no idea who my parents are. None. And seeing as I've lived in care homes for all sixteen years of my life, I haven't had much of an opportunity to find out. I mean sure, I've broken into an office a few times and read my file, but it is always the same. Yes, there have been more recent entries about how I've run away from several care and foster homes etc etc, but when it comes to who my birth parents are, it's always a big fat blank. No-one knows anything about my parents or where I came from, but I do know I was found as a baby in a stable somewhere in Maine. And now I live in London. Weird or what? Anyway, for the last five years, I've been attending the same high school, which, for a change, means that I have people who actually care about me. Okay, not really but I like to think they do. I mean I do have friends, but not friends that I can tell about my real life. So I just make it all up and tell them all about my really annoying brothers or how the gardener is gorgeous but won't take off his damn shirt, constantly adding tiny details to make it seem more real, for me as well as for them. However, for the past two weeks I've been living rough. You know, on the streets? And it's hard as hell. But I have nowhere else to go. Actually that's a lie. Because yesterday a woman came to see me and now I have the biggest decision of my life to make. Or one of them at least.

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