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Selena POV
I groaned. What happened? Slowly, I opened my eyes and turned my head to look around. The sight was almost unnerving because it seemed so normal and yet so unfamiliar. And what I mean by that is I was in a bedroom, not unlike the one in Regina's house. I groaned again, my fingers digging deep into the mattress as I pulled myself up. Slowly, I raised my hands to my eyes, half believing they would still be enveloped by that purple glow. I sighed in relief. Apart from angry red marks, my palms seemed wholly normal.
"Ah, you're up!" Came a cheery voice from the door. I started. It was the same voice that had whispered in my ear before I blacked out. I felt my heart beat rise and my breathing quicken, but I stayed rooted to my position, aware that she had the advantage as my surroundings, apart from this 6 foot stretch of mattress, was completely foreign to me.
"Would you like maple syrup with your pancakes, dear? I know that's all the craze here." Her British accent hit me like a waft of fresh air - it felt like home. And just as quickly the feeling of warmth was replaced with cold fear.
"Who are you?" I croaked.
"Oh dear, oh dear! Your throat still isn't better! Not to worry, I can fix that." She cooed falsely, the back of her green dressing gown being the only part of her I could see.
"No I'm -" I started, and then proceeded to a marathon of coughs and splutters. With an almost motherly touch, the woman sat next to me and rubbed my back soothingly.
"There there." She whispered. I grimaced and threw myself as far away from her as possible, my back slamming against the white wall behind me. Finally, she turned her head into the light and I saw her clearly for the first time. Wavy ginger locks framed her pointed face and freckled cheeks and her eyebrows curved maliciously. Her lips parted in an obviously false grin, and yet it was her wicked blue eyes I could not tear my gaze away from. They seemed to hold me transfixed in place, almost as if they were scanning me.
"What's your name?" She smiled.
"I don't -"
"Oh come now, my sweet. One stroll into that pathetic excuse of a town and I'll know everything there is to know about you. So, spare me the trouble and spill." She said as she settled more comfortably against the pillows.
I hesitated.
"Oh come on! If I wanted to kill you I would have done it by now! Instead I've been nursing you back to health after your magical...experience." She finished with a smirk.
"Fine. My name is Selena." I snapped.
"Selena what?"
"Selena...Nothing." I replied, glossing over the momentary debate I had between whether or not to take Regina's last name. Something told me that wasn't a good idea, and honestly, I still wasn't sure whether I could take her name yet.
"Selena Nothing. Certainly has a ring to it, I suppose." She let out a hearty laugh as she poured herself a cup of tea.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"All in good time, my sweet." She smiled as she took a sip of her tea. "So tell me, what absurd fairytale are you from?"
"That's...complicated." I muttered.
"Hmm, I'm sure it is. Especially since you're on Regina's communication device wallpaper." The woman continued, her blue eyes narrowing.
"Her phone, you mean." I said bluntly.
"Yes, yes whatever. Now tell me, how do you know her?"
"What's it to you?"
"Oh honey, it's everything to me. Now tell me before I go on a little town rampage and set fire to more buildings." She simpered, her eyes brightening as she took in my horror.
"I - " I started. My hands began to shake uncontrollably. I could feel that this would not end well. She smiled at my hesitance and with a small pout, produced a whirling ball of green flame in the palm of her hand, reminding me immediately of Regina.
"Try again, dear." She whispered.
"I'm her daughter." I forced out croakily, my eyes glued to the now growing ball of flame. And just as quickly as it had illuminated the room, the fire disappeared. I snapped my eyes back to the pointed face. It seemed paler than usual, until suddenly her old wicked smirk was plastered black on her face. I blinked. I must have imagined that tinge of fear I thought I had seen flicker across her darkened face which was now cracked in a grin.
"Well then, my pretty, that makes me your Aunty Zelena."

Aunty Zelena? I couldn't believe it. Not only did she look NOTHING like Regina, but she was literally the most evil woman my mother had described to me. And she had described quite a few messed up women, Cruella De Vil and Maleficent for example. I didn't know what to do. To try and fight her? That was futile? Run? Also futile. I just had to keep my face impassive, and try and get as much information out from her as possible. And make sure Regina and Emma were safe...if Zelena was here, then where were they? Did they even know she was here? I had to contact Regina. And so I forced my face into an expression of mere curiosity.
"Aunty Zelena?" I asked. "I didn't know Regina had a sister."
"Yes, well I'm sure there plenty she hasn't told you." Zelena snapped. I flinched.
"We are half sisters. We share the same mother - Cora."
"Ah yes, she told me about her." I said carefully.
"I'm sure." Zelena said coldly.
"Sorry." I muttered.
"No, it's not your fault. My mother...abandoned me." Zelena stated.
"Same here." I mumbled, knowing I had to try and gain her trust and yet, wasn't there a slight of truth in my tone? Didn't I still feel bitter towards Regina for leaving me? No! It wasn't her fault. She had no -
"Let me guess, she 'had no choice.' " Zelena said with a cold laugh. "How typical of her."
"What do you mean?" I frowned, all pretence leaving my voice.
"She has a way with words, does my sister." Zelena smiled coldly. "Oh, but don't let it get to you, dear! I'm sure she loves you...deep down." She added slyly, her blue eyes sparkling with malice.
"I'm sure." I said coldly. "Maybe deep down, someone might even love you."
It all seemed to happen so fast. All I saw was Zelena's lip curl upwards before her hands were wrapped around my neck and her knee was digging into my ribs. I spluttered and coughed, my numb fingers prising at hers, begging for air. And then it was gone. I gasped and gulped down huge breaths of air, my fingers digging into the mattress with every ragged breath.
"Don't you ever talk to me in that way again, do you understand?" She snarled, her fingers still inches away from my raw neck. I nodded mutely and yet I could feel the warmth of magic spreading to my fingers. Not now! I clenched my hands into fists, my nails slicing through my already raw skin. I could feel the droplets of blood beginning to ooze out but I didn't stop. I couldn't give in to it, not now. And then, just as quickly, the warmth was gone, and I was left with bleeding palms and an angry witch.
"Do. You. Understand?" She repeated angrily, her blue eyes flashing in fury.
"I understand." I said through gritted teeth.
"Brilliant!" She exclaimed and threw herself off me. I frowned. She was acting as if nothing had happened, as if we had just finished riding unicorns or something equally as disgusting.
"I...need to use the bathroom." I said quickly.
"Down the hall to your left." She smiled. I sprung to her feet and followed her directions, closing the wooden door slowly behind me. I sighed in relief and I sagged against the door, my heart pounding. My fingers trembled as I hastily pulled my phone out of my pocket and rammed in a message to Regina: ZELENA IN STORYBROOKE. SHE HAS ME IN SOME HUT. COME QUICK.
I let out a huge breath of relief as the message sent, not bothering to think about how it was just too easy to get hold of Regina...
"Some hut? It isn't my fault there wasn't much choice." Came an amused voice from down the hall. I gasped aloud, how could I forget? Zelena had Regina's phone! I didn't have much time; I could hear the creaking of the bed as Zelena rose. I copied and pasted the message to Emma's number within seconds, silently thanking Regina for being paranoid and making me take down the number of nearly every single inhabitant of Storybrooke. The sound of Zelena's heels as she walked down the wooden hall filled my ears. I drummed impatiently on the screen, waiting for the message to send. As soon as it had, I quickly deleted it from my chat history, and not a second too soon. The door was pulled open and I was face to face with a very amused looking witch.

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