10 days

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Warning: This chapter includes mild spoilers for what happens to the Black Fairy. In this story, however, none of the heroes have met her and know nothing of her except that she is Rumple's mother.

Selena POV
"Ready?" Regina asked cautiously. Emma nodded, her jaw clenching nervously while Zelena simply gestured to Emma's response to show it reflected her own. Regina's eyes, however, were fixed on mine.
"We don't have to do this." Regina said quietly.
"We've spent 8 months and 21 days trying to figure out how to summon the Black Fairy. Now we finally do. I'm not backing out now." I said determinedly, reaching out to grasp Regina's hand which was clutching the scroll.
"I'm with the kid." Emma agreed, flashing me a brief smile.
"Let's just get on with it." Zelena snapped, causing Regina to glare at her.
"Okay." Regina smiled reassuringly at me, placing a hand on the back of my head so she could pull me in for a brief kiss on the top of my head.
"I love you." She whispered against my forehead.
"I love you too, Mum."
Regina smiled again and let go of me, placing one hand out in front of her as the other held the scroll. And then she read the incantation, her voice echoing around the vault:
"Let the night sky tremble,
As the dark star shall fall.
Awake, Black Fairy, and heed my call!"
I gasped as a small purple light flickered above us, shooting through the ceiling of the vault and erupting before my very eyes. I squinted, trying to see through the light and there, right in front of me, morphed a man. He looked young, maybe 20, with unnaturally black hair faded slightly at the sides and a mop of wavy locks on the top of his head that fell into his pale, pointed face. He wore a black turtleneck and black jeans, all of which simply brought out the brightness of his piercing blue eyes. The most noticeable thing about him was, of course, the two large feathery wings sprouting from behind each of his shoulder blades. A close second, however, was the long scar running diagonally across the right side of his face. It was no longer red, but was just a jagged white line, imposing grotesquely on his beauty.
"Well, I must admit, I did think Rumplestiltskin's mother might just be a woman." Regina said sarcastically, a look of sheer confusion on her face. The man laughed, the harrowing noise causing waves of fear to emanate within me.
"She died a long time ago." He said with a small smile. His blue eyes narrowed as he scanned his surroundings, finally coming to rest on me. As soon as they did, his eyebrows shot up and his mouth curved into a smirk.
"Ah." He whispered. "Selena Mills."
I started; nobody had ever called me that before.
"How do you know who I am?" I asked loudly, my voice betraying a lot more confidence than I actually felt.
He laughed again, his green eyes flashing. "How do I know who you are? Why, we have only been waiting for you for three centuries!"
He spoke with an arrogant British accent, drawing out his words with long pauses and smirks. It was incredibly attractive.
"You know, then?" Zelena asked casually. He turned to look at her, cocking his head as he took her in.
"Aren't you supposed to be more...green?" He mused.
"Why you-" Zelena said furiously, only being stopped in her tracks by his delirious laughter and Emma's hand on her arm.
"Tell me everything." I demanded as his eyes locked back onto mine.
"And why would I do that?" He whispered.
"Because if I do become the Darkest One, you'll be dethroned. And I'm guessing you don't want that." I smiled sweetly.
"Ah, and therein lies the question!" He cried dramatically, throwing his arms into the air as he jumped down from the cabinet he was standing on.
"You want to be dethroned?" Regina scoffed. He turned to look at her, his face splitting into a wide grin.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, your majesty. I am a great fan of your work." He said softly. Disgusted, Regina backed away from him, only causing him to laugh again. He turned to look back at me, dropping me a wink.
"You think I impressed the mother?" He asked quietly.
"What?" I said loudly. He chuckled again, coming to a halt in front of me.
"You see, I am in quite the predicament. I could help you because you are quite right, I do not want to be dethroned. On the other hand, I think I might need you to become the Darkest One."
"And why would you need that?" I sighed, preparing myself for some twisted answer involving my spleen or something just as revolting.
"Because, Selena Mills, you are destined to be my True Love."

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