A Nasty Encounter

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Regina POV

I stood frozen as Selena slammed the front door shut behind her, my mouth open in shock and my eyes filling with tears. "Just another bully." Her words echoed around my mind, reminding me of the villain I used to be. And would never stop being. I dropped to my knees then, burying my head in my hands as I let the tears fall.
"Regina." Emma said softly beside me. "Regina, it's okay."
"No, it's not." I sobbed. "She thinks I'm a monster."
"Aren't you?" Came a sneering voice. Gold. I growled, my features changing quickly into ones of anger as I looked slowly up at him.
"Get out." I snarled.
"Now, now, Regina, calm down. You've already lost one child, you don't need to lose another one too."
I felt the rage before I had acknowledged it. Before I knew it, I had pounced on him, my hands wrapped tightly around his neck as his face grew redder and redder as the seconds went on, his veins squirming under my fingers like worms in a grave.
"You're the monster." I growled as he choked beneath me, unable to use his magic as I had pinned him so securely down.
"Regina, stop!" Yelled several voices around me. I ignored them. Just then, strong arms wrapped tightly around my waist and pulled me away from him, Emma's pleas to stop echoing in my ears.
"YOU'RE THE MONSTER!" I screamed as David yanked me completely away from him, shouting at me to calm down as Mary Margaret and Emma rushed to Gold's aid, Killian rushed over to Henry and Henry himself sat shell shocked at the scene unfolding before him. I looked at him, saw the hurt and anxiety on his face. He had never himself seen me like this. I had never tried to kill his grandfather in front of him. Not literally, anyway. I stopped screaming. I thought of Selena and the horror in how she had looked at me. I stopped fighting David. I thought of Daniel and his beautiful smile, always reminding me of where I belonged. And Selena had his smile. I turned around then and buried my head in David's neck, tears slipping down my cheeks as I sobbed into his skin. He hesitated; I could feel his shock at my change in emotion. But soon, his arms had wrapped tightly around me as he held me while I cried for the monster I would always be. I couldn't bring myself to look at Gold. Couldn't bare to see his smug face. Through my tears all I could see was the faint outline of the door behind her. When I closed my eyes, however, flashes of my life as the Evil Queen swam before me and images of Selena and Henry, Daniel and Robin, Emma and my father, Mary Margaret and David, swam before me like fish being hunted by the shark that was the Evil Queen. The shark that would never change, no matter how hard she tried.
I heard the front door slam and knew Gold had been forced out, I heard murmurs and whispers from everyone else in the apartment but I concentrated on David's calming words. Finally, after I could cry no more, I released him but still couldn't bare to meet Henry's eyes. I heard Emma asking me if I was okay. Felt her rub my arm reassuringly as she lead me over to the sofa where she sat me down gently. I felt David's weight dropping down next to me and his arm wrapping tightly around my shoulders. I shook my head.
"Henry." I choked.
"It's okay, he's with Killian." Emma responded softly.
"No." I choked again. "He needs a mother."
I could feel Emma's penetrating gaze on my head, trying to figure out what kind of ugly thoughts were cutting down every stand of happiness I had, like a lawnmower cutting down grass. Finally, she stood up from her position on my left, gave my shoulder one last reassuring squeeze and left. David smiled softly at me and moved over to where Mary Margaret sat. Before I knew it, however, another strong arm had wrapped around my shoulders as I felt a weight larger than Emma's drop beside me.
"It's alright, love. He doesn't blame you." Killian whispered. I nodded, unable to respond. Henry would always understand. He had the upbringing of a villian but parents who were heroes. He would always be my son. But Selena...she barely knew me. I had to find her. I had to make things right.
"Selena." I croaked.
"She's gone." Killian said softly and I couldn't help but be slightly shocked at the kindness in his voice. Maybe we were friends after all.
"I need to find her, Hook." I said, finally looking up as I met his piercing blue eyes.
"Aye, that you do." He agreed. "I'll come with you." He added as I started to get up.
"No. I need to do this myself. I need to - I need to explain." I said, beginning to choke up again. He dipped his head in agreement, extending a hand to help me up. I released him as my eyes found Henry's and I started towards him. He smiled softly at me as I sat down and took one of his hands in my own.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
"It's okay, Mom." He said before wrapping his arms around me. I smiled sadly as I looked over his head to see Emma giving me a small grin.
"Go to her." She mouthed. I nodded.
"Henry, honey, I need to find her." I said as I stroked his hair. He pulled away and nodded.
"She doesn't understand everything yet, Mom. But she will."
"I hope so." I sighed.
"Want me to come with?" Emma asked, although I knew she already knew the answer.
"No thanks, Swan." I sighed. "I got myself into this mess and now I've got to get myself out."
"Well, you better get a move on then, hadn't you, love?" Killian winked.
And I did.

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