The Journey Home

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Regina POV

I wanted to bring up what had happened but I didn't know how. I had no idea she was being bullied. Tears pricked my eyes as I thought about my daughter having to deal with this all alone, without her mother there to help her. And they were calling her such awful things. Things that weren't even true. I had heard drifts off the conversation as my window was down, and I had definitely heard the word "fatty." I couldn't believe how anyone could think Selena was fat. She had a perfect figure and yet I could tell their words had affected her. Her eyes gave away her pain.
"Regina? Are you okay?" Selena asked anxiously, noticing my tears and bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Hmm? Yes. Yes, I'm fine, dear." I said, smiling reassuringly. She didn't look fooled. I took a deep breath and plunged.
"What happened back there-" I began slowly.
"No. Don't talk about it." Selena whispered. I looked at her, my strong little girl and nodded, unable to choke out any words. I placed my hand gently on her leg and felt her tense, before she relaxed slowly.
"So, do you really have a penthouse?" She grinned, obviously trying to change the subject.
I smiled. "Not exactly. But I do have a pretty big house."
"Perks of being mayor, I presume." She laughed.
"Yes, well, now you get to-"
Just then my phone began to ring and the familiar name of EMMA showed up on my screen.
"Regina! Hey! You didn't call me to tell me you'd reached." Emma said, panic laced through her voice.
"Oops. Sorry, Swan."
"Yeah, you better be. You had Henry and I in a pickle."
"In a pickle?" I snorted, unable to hold in my laughter.
"Well, your daughter is British, isn't she? And that's what British people say!" Emma said defensively.
"Whatever you say, dear." I said, still laughing.
"Shut up, Gina." She mumbled. "Anyway how is she? Did you get her?"
"Yes. We're in the car on the way to the airport now." I glanced at Selena who was smiling softly as she looked out the window.
"Brilliant. Do you want me to pick you up from the airport then?" Emma asked.
"Hmm? No it's okay, I'll take my car."
Now it was Emma's turn to laugh.
"Honey, I dropped you to the airport this morning meaning your car is still in Storybrooke." Emma said slowly and in a patronising tone. My eyes narrowed automatically.
"I suppose that leaves me in a bit of a pickle, does it not?" I shot back.
"Well played, Mills, well played." Emma said defeatedly.
I smirked. "You were a good opponent, Swan, but just not good enough to beat the Ev- I mean me."
"That was a close one, Ev- I mean you." Emma laughed triumphantly.
"Alright, Swan, pick us up. I'll text you when we get there." I laughed.
"Yes Madame Mayor." She said, and I could just imagine the grin plastered on her face as she said it and hung up, obviously thinking she had won our little dispute.
"Emma's your best friend, right?" Selena asked.
"So tell me more about people in Storybrooke!" Selena said happily as she leant back in her seat and put her hands behind her head as if relaxing on a beach somewhere.
"Alright." I laughed.
"So Emma is my best friend and she is the real mother of my adopted son Henry-"
"Yes, yes I know all that and Henry is technically your step great grandson or something." She laughed. I chuckled and carried on.
"Yes, well, Emma's parent's names are Mary Margaret and David who spent 28 years looking- okay forget that." I stopped myself, knowing that I couldn't tell her about magic just yet.
"What?" She asked, sitting up.
"There was something."
"Doesn't matter. I'll tell you later."
She sighed. "Okay."
I smiled gently and we spent the rest of the journey home laughing and smiling. She was a new source of happiness for this Evil Queen.

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