A Magic Lesson with the Evil Queen and the Saviour

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Regina POV

Selena and I were sitting at the kitchen table, a bowl of cereal resting in front of us and laughter filling the gap between us.
"Tell me another one." She begged, her eyes streaming with tears of mirth.
"That one wasn't that funny!" I said defensively, although the fact that I was laughing at the same time probably didn't help with the intended offended effect.
"Was too." She argued.
"Alright then." I laughed. "But only for you." I added, tapping her nose. She crinkled her nose in shock, the same way Daniel used to. I smiled both sadly and affectionately at her, the love Daniel and I shared still alive in our daughter.
"So, Emma, Hook, Charming, Snow and I were in Neal's, (Henry's dad) cave where he had stayed during his time in Neverland. We were trying to find a way to destroy Peter Pan, when Mary Margaret picked up this coconut with holes in it and said - " I began. However, before I could get to the climax of the tale, the echoing sound of the doorbell crashed around the walls of the house.
"What wonderful timing." Selena sighed, trying to hide having jumped almost a metre out of her seat.
"Indeed." I smirked, rising to get the door while the impatient visitor began knocking mercilessly.
"I'm coming!" I yelled as I pulled open the door and saw...Emma.
"Emma!" I groaned.
"What?" She asked defensively, a hint of hurt flashing across her face.
"You could have been slightly more considerate to the inhabitants of this hollow-walled house." I sighed.
"Nah." She grinned and pushed past me into the house as I chuckled quietly and closed the door behind her.


When I returned to the kitchen, Emma was helping herself to my cereal while Selena was sneaking a biscuit in the corner. Rolling my eyes at both of them, I drew up a seat next to Selena's empty chair and pulled my cereal towards me.
"Hey!" Emma spluttered indignantly.
"Make your own."
Grumbling under her breath, Emma got up and began busying herself with choosing what cereal she wanted.
"Emma, you're not allowed Cheerios, remember?" I called without looking, knowing she would choose them.
"Oh come on, Regina!" She moaned. "My Mom isn't even here!"
"You'll have those itchy red spots all over your you-know-where even if your mother isn't here." I said matter-of-factly.
She sighed. "Fine. I'll have boring Granola."
"You didn't seem to find it that boring when you were scoffing down mine." I shot back while Selena giggled in the corner.
"And no more cookies, missy." I ordered with a smirk.
"Regina!" Selena groaned, in a perfect imitation of Emma.
"Uh uh, no more 'Regina's' from either of you." I demanded. Grumbling and rolling their eyes at each other, they skulked back to the table and took their assigned seats.
"Honestly." I mumbled. "Sometimes I wonder how many children I have."
"Charming." Emma and Selena said at the same time, causing us all to erupt in laughter.
"Where's Henry?" I asked once the laughter had died down.
"Still asleep. You know what teenage boys are like." Emma replied, rolling her eyes while Selena and I mumbled our assents.
"He's coming round at two." Emma added through mouthfuls of granola.
"Right." I said, crinkling my nose in disgust at Emma's appalling table manners. Catching my eye, Selena grinned and rolled her eyes in Emma's direction.
"I can see you, you know." Emma grumbled. Laughing, we finished breakfast and washed the dishes before heading over to the landing where Emma began pulling on her boots.
"Where are you going?" I asked frowning.
"To your vault." She stopped, her brow crinkling in confusion. "Isn't that where you want to teach Selena magic?"
"Yeah! Let's go!" Selena cried in delight, running over and putting on her trainers.
"Right now?" I asked again. They stopped, looking up to stare at me before sighing, nodding at each other and then grabbing one of my arms.
"Yes." They said in unison.
"Right." I mumbled, letting them drag me to my shoes as I shook my head to clear my thoughts, my goal clear once again.
"Let's get going then!" I exclaimed and as I yanked open the front door, I could almost hear them rolling their eyes.

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