Meeting Mr Gold

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Selena POV

It had been a week since I had moved in with Regina and so far it was going great. We had breakfast together every morning, she would take me out for lunch at Grannie's and for dinner we'd go round to Emma's. Then we would come home, curl up on the sofa and watch TV before we'd head off to bed. My room was amazing. It was by far the biggest room I'd ever had. The walls were painted a delicate cream, I had the most comfortable double bed in the centre of the room with gold and white covers, a walk in closet, an oak desk and an en suite bathroom with ocean blue and porcelain white tiles. The bathroom had both a bath and a shower unit, a toilet (of course) and a sink with a closet above it filled with an assortment of shower gels, shampoos, conditioners, bath bombs and more. But best of all was the balcony. I had a view of the entire town and it was beautiful. I could see the blue sea and the green forest and everything in between, including the town line. It was weird though. Nobody ever seemed to leave the town or enter it for that matter. I had also met Mary Margaret and David Nolan who were Regina and Emma's friends, Ruby who was the waitress at the seemingly only cafe in town and her Granny, some of Henry's school friends and a woman named Belle, who had an Australian accent and a love for books, a passion which I shared. Despite meeting all these people and many more (in fact, I think I had probably met the whole town), I still hadn't met Mr Gold. Although I was sure I had seen him lurking around corners watching me. Still, I didn't want to ask Regina in case it looked suspicious but I was determined to meet him. It felt important somehow. So I decided to take the plunge.
"Hey, Regina?" I asked while we were eating breakfast one morning.
"Can I meet Mr Gold?" I asked quickly, deciding asking her outright was the best way forward.
"Mr-Mr Gold?" She spluttered, having choked on her cereal and spraying me with milk ("Sorry!"). I ran round the table and began smacking her on the back as she coughed. Finally, once she'd calmed down, she turned to face me.
"Why?" She asked suspiciously.
"I don't know, it just feels...important. I can't explain it but I feel like I need to meet him." I said slowly. Regina stared at me for a long time; I could almost hear her brain ticking.
"Alright." She said eventually. "Let's go and meet Mr Gold."


"Gold." Regina announced as she pushed open the door to the little shop. I frowned. All the gentleness and care in her voice had disappeared to be replaced with anger and...hate. I gulped. This man must be some serious work.
"Your majesty. What can I do for you?" Came a gravely British voice. A man appeared from behind gold curtains, a man with shoulder length grey hair, a black suit and a cane he used to support himself. A man whose eyes held a lot more evil than I could possibly imagine. And had he called Regina "your majesty"? What the hell did that mean?
"Selena, my foster daughter would like to meet you." She replied, walking briskly up to the counter where he stood, a small smirk on his face.
"Ah yes. Your dear foster daughter. Nice to meet you, Selena." Gold replied, extending his hand. I shook it quickly, resisting the urge to wipe my hand on my trousers. What was wrong with me? Why did I feel so angry? So upset?
"And you." I replied stiffly.
"So, I hear you wanted to meet me? I am flattered, really I am." He said, the words sounding empty yet intrigued.
"Yes. I felt it was...important." I replied. It sounded stupid even to my own ears.
He raised his eyebrows. "Important? How so?"
Regina was staring at me, almost as if my reply would be an answer to an exam question. Almost like this was a test.
"I suppose you could say it was a gut feeling." I answered, trying to put strength behind my voice.
"A gut feeling?" He pressed. My eyes narrowed. This guy was beyond irritating.
"Just an instinct." I said coldly.
"An instinct? Care to explain?" He continued.
"Not particularly."
"Then why have you come? Was it really just a, what did you call it? A gut feeling?"
"Yes. Although I can see now it's been a mistake. My gut must be having some sort of malfunction." I replied angrily.
"Hmm. Maybe you ought to try indigestion tablets." He said with a sly grin.
"Maybe you ought to try a new suit. That one looks like it's been rolling around in pinecones and moths." I shot back. "Regina, let's go." And with that I stalked out of the cluttered little shop, slamming the door behind me.


"Mother like daughter. I seem to remember hearing you tell your dear Robin Hood that he used pinecones for money." Gold said to Regina as she glared at him.
"Don't you dare mention Robin." Regina muttered, her voice breaking slightly.
"Hmm. Still a bit rocky, are we?" Gold mused, a cold smile forming on his face.
"It's none of your business." Regina snapped.
"So, how did you find the little meet and greet with Selena then?" Gold continued as if nothing had happened.
"You didn't have to be such a...a-" Regina said, her voice rising.
"A what dearie? I was perfectly civil. It was your daughter and the fiery temper she gets from you which caused a problem." He replied, a sneer creeping into his voice.
"A fiery temper means strength, Gold. You should know that."
"Perhaps. But what happens when you get too close to fire?"
"What?" Regina asked, rolling her eyes.
Gold leant in closer to her, his eyes gleaming.
"Why, you get burnt, of course.

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