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Selena POV
03:00am. It was time. I sat up cautiously, careful not to wake Regina as I slipped out of the bed, my bare feet slapping the floor. I winced, but Regina didn't stir. I closed my eyes in relief and then gently rose, inching slowly towards the door. Finally, the handle was beneath my fingers and I was able to quietly open and close it without letting in too much light from the hallway. I let out the breath I was holding and tiptoed into my room, pulling out the backpack I had packed earlier. Throwing on some leggings and a hoodie, I slung the bag over my shoulder and headed downstairs, not allowing myself to take one final look at Regina, knowing I would convince myself to stay. I made it to the front door without hearing any movement from Regina and with one final glance around the house I now called home, I slipped out into the darkness.

I hugged myself as I walked briskly towards the town line, my face downcast to prevent being stung by the biting wind. As I walked, I thought about why I had to leave, because just the thought of Regina made me want to turn around and run straight back to her. But I couldn't. It was too dangerous. If I did become the Darkest One I would be a danger to everyone in this town, including Regina. I couldn't put them through that, and although I knew tomorrow could be just an ordinary day, I didn't feel that was likely enough for me to risk staying. I came to a brisk stop, one step away from the town line. I took a deep breath to cross over the line, refusing to take a last look at the town I loved.
"Going somewhere?" A voice drawled from behind me, causing my foot to stop in midair. My heart began beating furiously as I turned slowly to face the intruder, and -
"Emma!" I sighed in relief, my breathing levelling out. The blonde peeled herself off her yellow bug and stepped into the moonlight so I could see her face. I groaned; I had been so focused on not looking back that I hadn't noticed her idiotic bug.
"I was just going for a walk." I said stupidly.
"Over the town line with a packed bag at 3am?" Emma asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You're running away." She said shortly.
"Well yes, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out." I snapped. Emma took a step back, surprise evident in her features.
"Sorry." I sighed. "This sort of thing makes me defensive."
Emma smiled sympathetically and nodded, taking a step forward.
"I understand." She said softly. "I've run away more times than I can remember."
I nodded blankly, trying to concentrate on why I needed to leave and not how much I just wanted to run into Emma's reassuring arms.
"Don't leave." She said gently, coming closer.
"I have to!" I said loudly.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because tomorrow I could become darkness incarnate and I refuse to put anyone in this damn town in danger!" I shouted, my brown eyes flashing dangerously. As soon as they did, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tree suddenly engulfed in flames, burning to the ground. Emma yelped and ran towards it, extinguishing it with her magic while I stood breathing heavily, rooted in place.
"I told you I was a monster." I said quietly as Emma turned back towards me, fear and worry evident in her expression.
"Hey, you are not a monster!" She exclaimed as she reached me, her hands gripping my shoulders tightly.
"So what do you call that, Emma?" I shouted, gesturing to the smoking pile of ash to our right.
"An accident!" She replied. I couldn't bear it. I couldn't bear to look into her worried green eyes or be caught off guard by her reassuring smile.
"Goodbye, Emma." I muttered, trying to back away but before I could step over the town line, Emma was there, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me into her. I struggled aimlessly but her arms were too strong. Eventually, I leant into her embrace, my stiff arms sneaking around her back.
"I'm scared." I whispered into her hair, tears spilling down my cheeks.
"I know." She whispered back, stroking my brown locks.
"Listen." She began, pulling away from me but not relinquishing her firm grip on my arms. "If you do leave and you do become the Darkest One then what happens?"
"I don't hurt any of you!"
"No, you'll just hurt everyone else." Emma said firmly.
"It's not your fault. But it will happen. You need us, Selena. We need you."
"You won't need me when I'm off being little miss darky pants." I retorted with a sigh.
"If not when." Emma corrected gently. "And anyway, we've all dealt with your Mom. We've got this." She grinned. I shook my head softly.
"Emma, I'm meant to be darker than the Black Fairy and she literally created darkness!"
"Details, details." Emma said, waving her hand dismissively. "Now come, let's get you home."
"I will call your mother." Emma warned. I sighed.
"No, that's not what I was going to say. I was just going to ask how you came to be out here at this time of night?"
"Oh." Emma said with a sad smile. "A very special woman once told me that a child displays 12 signs if they're planning on running away. And you showed seven."
"So you waited out here...all this time?" I asked , touched at how much she seemed to care.
"Of course." Emma shrugged.
"Thank you." I whispered. She just smiled and wrapped her arm around me, leading me to the car. And whether it was selfish of me or not, I didn't fight her.

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