A Fresh Start...with a sprinkle of magic

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Selena POV

I awoke to the smell of fresh linen and lemon soap, my skin stinging and my chestnut hair and sleepy eyes obscuring my sight. Through my hazy vision I saw the same figure who had saved me dabbing at my head with a damp cloth, her dark hair resting gently upon her shoulders. I opened my eyes fully and the figure came into focus, her chocolate brown eyes lighting up as I met them.
"Good morning, sweetheart." Regina whispered. I groaned in response as I struggled to sit up, the aching of my cuts all too noticeable.
"Don't try to sit up." She advised, pushing me gently back down onto the bed.
"I want to." I winced. She sighed but positioned the pillow behind me to act as a head rest before gently slipping her hands under my arms and pulling me into a sitting position.
"Thanks." I mumbled. She just smiled and edged closer towards me, still dabbing at my face with the cool cloth.
"How long have I been like this?" I asked, my throat dry and my voice cracking.
"Oh, not long. It's only the next day."
I nodded. That was one good thing at least.
"And those...those flying monkey things...what are they?" I croaked.
"Exactly what you said." Regina stated, fury blazing in her eyes. "Flying monkeys."
"You know who sent them, don't you?" I asked, knowing from the look in her eyes that I was right. She glanced at me, worry evident in her attempt at a smile.
"Doesn't matter. What matters is whether you're alright." She said simply, stroking my cheek with the back of her hand. I flinched, not knowing how to react. She had still tried to kill someone, even if she had saved my life. She saw my reluctance and sighed, tears pricking at her eyes once more.
"Selena, what happened with Gold..." She began.
"Yes, what did happen with Gold?" I asked steely, regaining my defensive persona.
"Listen, that wasn't me. The person you saw back there was a glimpse of the Evil Queen and - " she said quickly, her words tumbling out of her now.
"And that's who you are!" I cut in angrily.
"No, Selena. That's who I used to be. I was the Evil Queen for a long time but I am trying to change, I really am. If you had known me before, not just as the Evil Queen but the person I was before the curse was broken, you would see the monster I had been, the monster who will always be a part of me. And that monster will not go down without a fight but I am trying my best to throw the punches and sometimes, sometimes I'm just not quick enough to avoid one in return. Changing...changing is not an easy thing to do, not when you've been made this way because of what you've been through. But I am trying, Selena. Can you accept that?" She implored, looking into my eyes searchingly as if she could find forgiveness and acceptance hidden in the eyes that were almost identical to her own. I stared back at her, my mind racing. How could I not forgive her when she was trying to change? What kind of a person did that make me? And she was being so honest with me...
"Of course." I whispered. "And I want to be here for you while you do."
Her face lit up with happiness as she heard my words and she leapt forward to envelope me in a hug, stopping at the last moment when she remembered my wounds. I laughed at her expression; she looked like a deer caught in the headlights and at that moment, I knew we had mutually agreed to a fresh start. An honest start.
She grinned at me and squeezed my hand and, as I let out a small wince, she jumped back with a scream.
"What is it?" I yelped.
"I can heal you!" She exclaimed. "I can't believe I forgot to ask you..." She continued, smacking herself on the forehead with the palm of her hand.
"Woah, woah, woah. That really isn't necessary." I laughed as I grabbed her wrist and pulled it away from her face.
"Yes it is! I can heal you with magic but only...only if you want me to." She said softly now. "I didn't want to do it without your consent, it wouldn't be fair."
"I'd like you to." I said gently and I knew from the look on her face that she understood that I accepted her for who she was and had accepted the world I was now a part of. But I still wanted a reminder.
"Just...leave one." I decided.
"Why?" She frowned.
"So I always have something to remind me that all of this is real and I have to keep being strong, because this, this is a dangerous world."
She stared at me for a while, her eyes displaying so many emotions that I couldn't possible read them all. However, I did catch a hint of something like pride. And love.
"You're really something special, you know that?" She said finally.
"And 50% of that is thanks to you." I winked.
"I take full credit." She replied proudly, placing her hand on her heart. "Now, are you ready?" She added.
I nodded and she began, the purple glow flowing from her fingertips relieving my pain.

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