Welcome to Storybrooke

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Selena POV

"Welcome to Storybrooke." Emma said, a hint of shock present in her voice.
"Thanks..." I said, slightly suspiciously. Why was everyone acting so weird all of a sudden? I shrugged. It was probably nothing. Unless it was to do with magic. I scoffed quietly to myself; there's no such thing as magic. Smiling, I turned to gaze out of the window and saw a small but cosy town nestled between vast blue waters and a fresh green forest. The sun beamed down at us, the rays of light dancing across the surface of the pristine water, highlighting the flecks of green amongst the endless blue. The road we were driving along now was filled with a variety of shops, each representing their own unique passion, for example, a restaurant called Grannie's with a baby blue decor and twisting green vines running up the back of the chairs, a colourful ice cream parlour that reminded me of something that should be in Disney Land and a serious looking shop sitting on the corner of the street named Mr Gold Pawnbroker and Antiquities Dealer. It looked almost like the boss of the town, what with it's gold and black paint job and the sombre atmosphere it seemed to emit. I felt an unexplainable shudder run through me and I ripped my eyes away from the shop, almost involuntarily. Trying to ignore the almost dooming feeling looming in my chest, I turned to engage Regina in a conversation about what her job was like, and although her light hearted comments and witty remarks to Emma's jokes, cheered me up, I couldn't tear my mind away from the terrible feelings I associated with this Mr Gold.

Regina POV

Selena had magic. The words danced through my mind as we drove through Storybrooke, my hand itching to hold hers. We were approaching my house and I sighed happily, knowing Henry would be their to greet us. We pulled up outside my house in Emma's usual spot and I turned nervously to see Selena's reaction. Her jaw had dropped as she stared up at the house, her chocolate eyes sparkling and her hand jumping up and down on her knee with what I hoped was excitement.
"What do you think?" I asked her anxiously.
"It's huge!" She exclaimed. "Good huge. I mean it's great. Not great as in big great, I mean awesome!" She rambled. I laughed.
"Come on, let's go inside!" Emma chuckled as she opened her car door.
Just then the smooth white door burst open and Henry came running down the stairs. His soft brown hair looked as if it hadn't been brushed for days and I knew his jeans had a hole in the back.
"Mom!" He said as he pulled me in for a hug. "And Mom." He grinned as he turned to hug Emma.
"Hey kid." She said, ruffling his hair.
"Henry, this is Selena. Selena, this is my adopted son, Henry." I said, my arm snaking around both their shoulders.
"Hey." He grinned, sticking out his right hand.
"Hey." Selena grinned back as she shook his hand. "Nice socks." She smirked, as she looked down at his red and blue spotty socks.
He smiled sheepishly.
"Henry!" I scolded. "Go and put some shoes on!"
"Mom!" Henry moaned.
"It's okay, Regina." Emma laughed. I glared at her and Emma backed off, her hands held up in a surrender.
"Come on kid." She grumbled, pulling him along by the ruff of his neck.
I shook my head as I reached out and grabbed Selena's hand.
"I'll give you a tour later if you like?" I smiled at her as we began walking up to the front door.
"I'd love that!" She exclaimed, squeezing my hand.
"But first we need some food." I laughed.
"Deal." She grinned, and with that I lead my daughter into her new home.

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