The Whole Truth

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Selena POV

So, Regina and I are about to embark on a journey to reveal the truth, or that's what she called it anyway. I called it my right to know, but there you go.
"Where are we going?" I asked as I quickened my pace to try and keep up with her. For a woman in heels she walked fast.
"Back to Emma's." She replied.
"Back to- but I-they're all going to think-" I panicked. She stopped walking then and turned to face me, placing her hands gently on my shoulders.
"They're going to think you're a wonderful young girl who had every right to get angry. They won't be judging you at all. Trust me." She smiled, a knowing glint appearing in her eyes.
"I hope you're right." I groaned.
"I'm always right. I'm your mother." She laughed. I rolled my eyes with a grin and walked briskly away from her.
"Hey! Wait up!" She called.
"Well, I'm always gonna be a rebel. I'm your daughter." I smirked over my shoulder.


Regina knocked on Emma's door for the second time that day, smiling reassuringly at me as she did so.
"Hey." Emma said quietly as she opened the door.
"Hey." I mumbled.
"Come in." She said, standing back to allow us to pass.
Regina reached back and squeezed my arm as we walked into the apartment while Henry grinned at me from the sofa.
I cleared my throat. "Um..." I started as everyone turned to look at me. "I'm sorry for yelling at all of you." I announced to the room, a crimson flush erupting on my cheeks. "I was just..." I couldn't find the words.
"It's okay, sweetheart." Mary Margret said softly, coming to my rescue.
"Yeah, don't worry about it, Selena. You don't even need to apologise." Emma shrugged, giving me a lopsided grin.
"Aye, your mum sure had it coming." Killian winked as Regina glared at him and everyone else chuckled.
"And I don't know what you're talking about." David announced. I laughed.
"I was just as bad when Emma first got here." Henry shrugged, a small blush blooming on his cheeks too but Regina, tutting like a mother, hurried over to him and took his hands.
"Don't be stupid." She said simply, making me wonder what had really happened and whether I would ever find out. Or whether I would always be somewhat of an outsider.
"Anyway." Regina said, coming back over to me before turning to face the others. "I think it's time we tell her everything."
"Yeah, I think it probably is." Emma agreed.


"So, you're telling me, that Mary Margaret is Snow White, David is Prince Charming, Emma is their daughter and also the Saviour, Killian is Captain Hook and my mother is the Evil Queen?" I summarised, the lack of belief evident in my voice as Killian waved his hook at me, Mary Margaret and David gave me a small smile, Emma looked at the floor sheepishly, Henry gestured towards my book and Regina just stared at me.
"I know it's a lot to take in, but it is true." Emma said. "I was in your position once too. I didn't believe a thing until I saw magic for my own eyes. Maybe that's what you need." She said, looking towards Regina.
"Are you sure?" Regina asked Emma who simply nodded.
"Alright, Selena. Check this out." And with that, she spun her hand anti-clockwise and the fire in the fireplace roared as it grew higher and higher.
"Coincidence." I shrugged although inside my heart was beating 100 times faster.
"Fine." She said and spun her hand again, this time clockwise and the coffee table in front of us began to hover about 30 cm above the ground. I stared at it, my mind trying to comprehend what I was seeing.
"That's not-that's not possible." I whispered.
"It's magic." Regina replied, trying for a smile.
"It's lunacy!" I declared before jumping to my feet. "How can-how can this be real? It can't be!" I spluttered as Emma came forwards and placed her hands on my shoulders.
"Selena, listen." She said as she looked searchingly into my eyes. "I know it doesn't seem possible, but it is. I couldn't believe it either but I had to. Henry was about to die and the only way to save him was to fight a dragon, who's actually Maleficent by the way, and retrieve a bottle of true love put there by my father on Rumpelstilskin - Mr Gold's - orders." I stared at her. She was mad.
"Anyway, I got it and Regina was meant to be manning the lift but Gold had tied her up and he stole it. We were too late. Henry was dead." She continued, her voice dropping.
"You're crazy." I decided.
"No, I'm not. Anyway, he was... He was gone before I kissed him and he came back." She stumbled, giving Henry a watery smile.
"True love's kiss." David offered, glancin at Mary Margaret.
"True love's kiss?"I scoffed.
"Yes." David frowned, looking offended.
"Oh. Um, that's a thing?" I asked sheepishly.
"Yeah, it's a thing." Regina said, speaking for the first time in a while as she stared at the ground.
"So, does someone want to tell me why you all have different names then? If you're all from the Enchanted Forest or whatever you call it."
"You've already read why." Henry stated simply. "In the book."
"That stuff with Snow White and Prince Charming putting their kid in a tree?" I asked, rolling my eyes.
"That's me." Emma waved.
I sighed. "You did not come through a tree."
"Did too."
"Nope, not impossible. Just magic." Emma grinned as I began to get frustrated. Was this just some mental cover story Regina had made up so I wouldn't blame her for leaving me?
"Okay, fine. Say magic does exist, it still doesn't explain why you abandoned me." I said, turning directly to Regina.
"I can explain." She sighed.
"Please do."
"Sit down, first."
"Sit down." She demanded. I raised my eyebrows in shock. That was the first time she'd ever used anything but a calm tone with me. Or second. Maybe third. I shrugged and plopped myself down next to her.
"Actually, let's go to Emma's room." Regina decided.
"Regina!" I moaned.
"What? We need privacy!" She said indignantly before grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet as I rolled my eyes in annoyance but inside, a small flicker of happiness fluttered inside of me as I experienced another small incident that came with having a mother.
"This is a truly heart warming moment." Killian sniffed, pretending to wipe a tear from his cheek. Emma shook her head with a smile as she mouthed an apology and swatted Killian's head playfully.
"Come on." Regina muttered. "We don't have time for the Handless Wonder's pitiful attempts at a joke." She said, her voice rising. I laughed as Regina turned to grin at me.
"Emma." Regina called as we approached the door to her room. "Call Mr Gold round, will you?"
Emma stared up at her. "Are you sure?"
"I think she'll want to see him." Regina replied simply.
"Alright." Emma sighed. "I'll be here if you need me."
"Thank you." Regina smiled at her before she tightened her grip on my hand and pulled me into the room, leaving the door to snap shut behind her.

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