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It was the beginning of another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, meaning another journey on the infamous Hogwarts Express.

Over time, you had grown to more eagerly anticipate departing from, what Muggles called, King's Cross Station. Whilst you were at home, you were forbidden to use any magic, so it was always exciting to go back to Hogwarts and learn new spells.

Even when you had turned seventeen, you were still unable to use your magic at home, as your parents were both Muggles and they didn't want to be around it. This made you a Muggleborn witch, sometimes making it hard for you to be liked and respected in the magical community, as people didn't always consider your magic as 'pure' as someone who came from a long line of magical relatives.

Most of the time, you tried not to let it bother you. During your years at Hogwarts, you had found three amazing best friends, who always stood up for you, in an instant. Harry, Ron and Hermione, who was also a Muggleborn, had given you some of your favourite memories. You were probably closest to Hermione, as the two of you were quite alike. The four of you were known throughout the school as the Golden Team, constantly conquering the dark magic.

Now, after the devastating war, that took place last year, the four of you were all going to return to finish your seventh year at Hogwarts. Headmistress McGonagall had made a special exception, as some students didn't attend for their seventh year and she was concerned that those present didn't receive an adequate education under the control of the Death Eaters.

Then, after you sit your N.E.W.T.S and graduate, you would go out into the Wizarding World and face the harsh reality of adulthood. Though, you had been promised that you would receive countless career opportunities, due to your participation in helping to save the world.

As the train continued to make its way through the countryside, you stretched out across the comfy seats, all alone with your thoughts. The others had not long disappeared, most likely to get more sweets. It was almost rather nice to be by yourself and enjoy the peacefulness.

Staring out of the window and munching on a cherry-flavoured Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean, you couldn't help but find yourself wondering if Malfoy would return to complete his education too.

You were suddenly reminded of the Yule Ball, which took place during your fourth year at Hogwarts.


Your f/c dress stopped just before your knees and your hair was done in an elegant style, using magic. You looked beautiful and felt like a completely different person, when you had caught a glimpse of your reflection. Everything was going perfectly, just like you had envisioned it.

Stepping out of the Gryffindor common room, you felt nervous about seeing your date, a student from Durmstrang. You and Hermione had squealed with excitement, when the boys had asked you to attend the dance with you.

Half an hour had passed before you admitted that he wasn't going to meet you. Your bottom lip quivered, eyes filling with tears. You sat down on a nearby staircase and put your head in your hands, as you sobbed quietly.

You heard footsteps, so you glanced up. Malfoy was stood in front of you, concern etched on his face, replacing his signature scowl. To your surprise, he offered you his hand and you shocked yourself by accepting it. All the years of insults had been washed away by this moment. He softly brushed away your tears with his thumb and his touch sent shivers through you.

His cool grey eyes met your wide e/c ones, determined not to part. His other hand briefly held your cheek and you had delicately placed yours on top of it, before he walked away, leaving you bewildered.

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