Author's Note

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If you've reached this part, it probably means that you finished People Change, my very first Harry Potter fanfiction and the start of something amazing for my Wattpad account.

I first wrote People Change in 2015, which feels like such a long time ago, considering that so much has happened since then. I've had many experiences, both good and bad, which have enabled me to grow as a person and a writer. I feel like I've grown up a whole lot.

This book means a lot to me. It's the first book that I've published on here that people really seemed to enjoy. The feedback is so lovely and I smile every time I read a comment.

I understand that it's still not as perfect as it could be and there are lots of errors, which is why I chose to edit it almost two years later. This note was actually added after the edit because I didn't realise that I never wrote one.

As of editing in May 2017, People change has over 133K reads. One hundred and thirty three thousand. That's crazy!

I didn't ever think so many people would read, vote and comment on something I'd written. I'm so grateful for everything and I hope you all enjoyed this story, it would be nothing without you guys. I know I loved writing it, but I also hope that you loved reading it.

Not only that, I feel like that I've made a lot of great friends because of this book. That means a lot to me as well. Wattpad is an amazing place and I love meeting people on here.


One thing I see people asking about is a sequel or another Draco X Reader. So, I'm gonna answer those questions now.

This book will not have a sequel. It doesn't need one. It has an epilogue, which is messy and something that I'm not at all proud of and a couple of one shots, so you can see a glimpse into what yours and Draco's future would be like. People Change gets special treatment because it's my first book!

Perhaps, in the future, I will write another unrelated Draco X Reader. However, I don't have any ideas for one now.

I do have plans for a George Weasley x Reader (I've actually written the first few chapters) and a Neville Longbottom x Reader. If you're interested in either of those, please follow my account, so you don't miss out.

Self-promo isn't something I like doing, but you can also follow me on:

- Twitter and Instagram @ opalfossils

- Pinterest @ emthedork

- Spotify (find playlists for this fanfic and my others) @ thoseweasleytwins

You can also feel free to private message me any time on Wattpad.

Once again, thank you so much for all of the support over the years, it makes me so happy to see that people are enjoying my writing.

The playlist will be uploaded next, with all of the songs and I hope you enjoy them.

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