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You woke up early, putting on your favourite outfit, hoping that Draco would like it. Unintentionally, you made more of an effort, but tried not to overdo it, as he had never called it a 'date'.

After twirling around in front of the full-length mirror that stood in the corner of your room, you applied some of your favourite perfume, which your parents had delivered in their latest package. You had made it your signature scent, but hadn't worn it since the summer holidays.

Then, you practically skipped to the Great Hall, deciding not to take a jacket. It was still early, so there weren't many people around yet.

Too excited to eat, you settled for a small breakfast, knowing there would be plenty of delicious, new snacks to try in Hogsmeade.

It was then just about time to meet Draco. You sat on the staircase, where had decided to meet. Coincidentally, it was the same one from your fourth year, causing you to smile fondly at the memory, which felt so far away from where you were now.

You waited for a while, as the minutes passed by, your heart sinking more and more the longer you continued to sit there. Although you loathed to admit it to yourself, it was becoming evident that Draco had ditched you. You got up, fighting back tears, deciding that it was time to leave.

A hand suddenly grabbed yours, sending metaphorical shockwaves through your body at the contact. You didn't even need to look upwards to know that who it was. Draco. "Sorry, Y/N, I overslept." He apologised, sounding sincere.

Noticing your dismayed expression, he frowned. "Did you really think I'd leave you? I'm not like the others." He reassured you. His tone was genuine and you really believed that he meant it.

You then left the castle and headed to Hogsmeade, after getting past the crowd of exciteable students and Filch, who was keeping a list of everyone who was going to the quaint village.

First of all, you went into Honeyduke's. Sweets of all colours and flavours lined the shelves and it was almost too much to take in at once. The smell was so unique and divine and you inhaled it deeply. You picked up some Cauldron Cakes and Chocoballs, whilst Draco bought Sugar Quills and Drooble's Best Blowing Gum. He then held the door open for you and the two of you walked outside, discussing where to go next.

"Shall we go to the Shrieking Shack?" Draco suggested, pointing at where it stood, in the distance. Involuntarily, you shuddered. "Oh, right. I forgot about what happened there, in our third year. Sorry." He said.

"It's okay. How about The Three Broomsticks?" You replied. It had been so long since you had tasted a Butterbeer and your need for one was enormous. Draco agreed and you walked past the post office.

Turning around the corner, you bumped into Harry and the others. "Malfoy? You ditched us for Malfoy?" Ron seethed, furiously.

"Ron, he really has changed. Please, I need you to believe me." You protested. He merely scoffed, in response, looking for Hermione or Harry to back him up. However, Harry just shrugged and focused on peering into shop windows, whilst Hermione looked deep in thought.

"Ron, don't get mad at me, but I believe Y/N and you should too. She's as smart as me, so we should trust her judgement." She said, after a pause, taking everyone by surprise, especially Ron.

"I agree with Hermione. This must be true, or why else would Y/N have forgiven him for everything that has happened over the years?" Neville piped up. "Anyway, it's always good to see the best in people."

One by one, slowly but surely, all of your friends began to welcome the idea of yours and Draco's friendship. Even Ron.

"I suppose everyone deserves a second chance, but if you ever hurt her, I'll kill you." Ron sighed, his tone serious, as he looked Draco straight in the eyes. Draco nodded, seeming a little shaken by this very real threat.

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