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You immersed yourself in warm blankets and a scarlet duvet and fell asleep, thoughts if Draco, Quidditch and spellcasting racing around your mind. They all instantly vanished, as the nightmare started.

In the room opposite, not far from where you were tossing and turning fretfully, Draco was still awake, unable to sleep at all. Thoughts of you kept him up, as he pictured your smile.

He was gradually realising that he was developing romantic feelings for you, although he didn't want to admit it to himself.

Running his hands through his platinum blonde hair, he sighed, but it was no good; there was nothing he could do to prevent it from happening and he needed to accept that.

He was falling for you.

Now he understood why they called it 'falling' in love. Like falling off a broomstick, it was happening very quickly and the ground was rushing up to meet him, before he had a chance to react or cast a spell to protect himself. The collision would be inevitable and nobody knew how much it could hurt. There was no slowing down.


The next morning, Draco exited his room, having not slept at all and looking exhausted. His usually immaculate hair was all tousled and dark circles stood out against his pale skin.

It was Monday and you had decided to wake up earlier, to get ready and finish off some forgotten homework that had been left to the very last minute to be completed.

Draco saw you, sitting at the table, deep in thought, as you glanced at your Herbology textbook, frantically scrawling on a piece of parchment. He unintentionally groaned, as he suddenly felt overcome with the desire to hold you in his arms.

"Good morning, to you, too." You responded, cheerily, looking up from your homework.

"How can you be so happy on a Monday morning?" Draco asked.

"I'm just as tired as you are, I'm just dealing with it differently. If I was grumpy every time I was tired, I'd never be happy." You told him, truthfully, as you scanned your homework, deciding that it was good enough.

"Well, you keep doing your thing and I'll do mine." He decided, stifling a yawn.

You nodded in agreement and grabbed your wand, walking over to the door. You never left it behind and yesterday was a perfect example of why you always wanted it with you. Who knew when you would need to use magic to defend yourself?

"See you at breakfast." You grinned, before leaving the dorm.

Stepping into the corridor, you noticed the portraits on the wall and saw an opportunity you couldn't miss. "Good morning, Professor." You yelled, waking up Snape's sleeping portrait.

Startled, he opened his eyes and looked aroud, before settling his beady gaze on you, whilst you struggled to contain your laughter.

"Miss. L/N, that wasn't very nice. You're lucky I can't deduct house points, or give detentions, anymore." He frowned. You were too hungry to care though, as you made your way to breakfast. Your stomach was rumbling impatiently and you needed food.

There was hardly anybody there, aside from some eager first years and some stressed fifth years, who had already begun revising for their O.W.L.S and were staring worriedly at a wobbling stack of books in front of them. The Gryffindor table was completely empty and you were glad that you would have some peace.

You levitated the kettle and poured yourself some tea, in a chipped teacup and nibbled delicately at your breakfast, trying to avoid getting any crumbs in your signed copy of Hogwarts, A History. It was a new edition, featuring all of the events that you and the other members of the Golden Team had been involved in. Your name was mentioned several times and your face fkushed with pride every time you saw it.

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