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You tossed and turned in your sleep, tears uncontrollably rolling down your cheeks. However, little did you know, you were keeping your roomate awake.

"Damn it, I can't take this anymore!" He moaned, rubbing his tired eyes. He got out of bed and walked to your door. "Alohomora." He whispered, tapping the door, with his wand.

He entered the room, looking at your restless, sleeping figure for a moment. It was obvious that you weren't sleeping peacefully and he almost felt guilty for what he was about to do. Malfoy shook you awake and you sat up instantly, startled by the boy looming over you.

"Malfoy, what are you doing in here?" You shrieked, pulling the covers over yourself, as a feeble attempt to hide, clutching it tightly to your chest and pounding heart.

"I couldn't sleep because of all your screaming." He sneered. "Can't I just get some peace and quiet?"

You glanced down at your wrist, where the scar was. Maybe you should have warned him. "I have this recurring nightmare, every time I try to sleep. I'm sorry that I kept you awake." You whispered.

His eyes caught sight of your Mudblood scar and you saw his harsh expression falter briefly, as he remembered how you got that awful scars.

"No, it's not your fault. I could have used a silencing spell, or something." He sighed, reluctantly. You were amazed; this was probably the closest Malfoy had ever come to an apology.

You gave him a small, shaky smile. "It's fine." He nodded and left the room, closing the door lightly behind him.

Unable to go back to sleep, you grabbed a book from your trunk and started to read. "Lumos." You muttered, so you could read better. Engrossed in the plot, you read until the sun's rays shone through your curtains, illuminating the whole room.


You stretched your arms, whilst yawning. You had gotten barely any sleep at all, thanks to Malfoy waking you up in the middle of the night.

Judging by the closed door, you presumed he wasn't awake, so you seized the opportunity to take a shower. Soon enough, you were dressed for the first day of lessons.

You perched on the arm of the sofa, tying your red and gold tie and pinning the Head Girl badge to your robes. However, you hesitated on the way out. Should you wait for Malfoy? Perhaps he would want to walk to the Great Hall, for breakfast, together.
Well, there was no harm in waiting, so you made yourself comfortable, as you didn't know how long Malfoy would take.

Around ten minutes later, he was finally ready. "Hey, Malfoy, do you want to walk to breakfast together?" You mumbled, nervously.

"Sorry, I don't want to be seen with anyone who isn't a Pureblood, like myself." He scoffed.

You snorted indignantly at his refusal to change his ways and exited, making sure the door slammed loudly behind you. "Careful, Miss. L/N, you made the portraits shake. What has you so angry?" The portrait of Snape asked, seeming genuinely interested.

"I'm not in the mood right now." You growled, before storming off in the direction of the Great Hall.

You angrily sat down at the Gryffindor table, next to Neville and furiously grabbed some fruit. Imagining a certain someone's face instead, you stabbed them violently with a fork.

"Living with Malfoy must be pretty bad, huh?" Neville sympathised. You nodded, in response, still to enraged to speak and shot a contemptuous glare over at the Slytherin table, where Malfoy was ignoring Astoria Greengrass and her attempts at conversation with him.

Ron then passed you your timetable, which you perused curiously. Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Potions and Charms were all there, as well as several free periods. When you had chosen these classes to continue studying, after your O.W.L.S, you had considered becoming an Auror. You smiled a little, despite your previous anger; all of these classses were going to be great.

Suddenly, there was a small thud. Your owl had narrowly avoided landing in Romilda Vane's cereal, much to everyone's amusement. She glared at the poor owl, then you, with a simpering smile for Harry.

Your owl hopped over to you, weighed down by the envelope attached to its leg. You grabbed the letter and tore it open, reading it carefully.

It was a letter, from your parents, congratulating you on becoming Head Girl and replying to the update letter you had sent last night. You made a mental note to write a reply soon.

You grinned, for real this time, cheered up by the letter and stroked your owl's tiny wings. O/N was a tiny, flying ball of fluffy feathers, basically. You quickly drank the rest of your pumpkin juice and started to head to Potions.

"You have got to be joking." You groaned. First, every single one of the moving staircases had sent you in the wrong direction and now, Peeves was causing mayhem in the corridors, holding you up even more. He was pelting colourful balloons, filled with milk, at unsuspecting first years. You decided to risk running past, with your bag over your head, relieved when he ignored you. You would have to reprimand him later.


"Sorry I'm so late, Professor, Peeves was up to his usual antics." You explained, panting heavily. You had to run all the way to the dungeons, in fear of getting detention on the first day.

"No worries, Miss. L/N, you just missed where to sit. Please join Mr. Malfoy." Slughorn commanded, in his jovial way. You dragged yourself over, hating everything. Of all the people in the room, it just had to be him.

You shyly sat down on the stool next to Malfoy, waiting for him to complain, or insult you, but he didn't. Pulling out your parchment and ink pot, you realised that you'd left your quills in your room.

There was only one option. "Malfoy, please may I borrow a quill?" You asked, trying not to sound desperate, in case he smugly refused, simply to taunt you. However, he sighed and handed you an elegant raven feather quill. His hand lightly brushed yours as he did so and he didn't seem to be disgusted by the accidental contact. You smiled gratefully.

"Today, class, we will be recapping Amortentia. Except, this time, you will be brewing some of your own, with the person sat next to you." He explained. "Now, can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?" He asked, beaming at everyone encouragingly. Hermione's hand went straight into the air, almost knocking Ron off of his seat. "Ah, Miss. Granger, of course." Slughorn chuckled.

"It's the strongest love potion." She said, confidently.

"Very good. Miss. L/N, what is the most famous feature of Amortentia?" He questioned, catching you offguard.

Focusing on the cauldron in front of you, you replied, already blushing from the nerves. "Um, you'll be able to smell what attracts you." He awarded you ten points as well, then let everyone begin brewing the potion.

Brewing a love potion with Malfoy, someone who absolutely loathed you. Oh, the irony was almost too much to bear.


A/N: Third chapter is done! I've been quite productive with this story lately and I'm proud of that. Also, I'm so happy with the edits. I feel much better about this story since making the changes.

Sorry for the long gap between this updste and the last; school has been keeping me very busy. It feels like all I ever do is homework! Oh, and I binge watched season four of Voltron Legendary Defender and am now trying to watch every episode of Chicago Med, which is so good.


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