People Change

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He was falling for you.

Now he understood why they called it 'falling' in love. Like falling off a broomstick, it was happening very quickly and the ground was rushing up to meet him, before he had a chance to react or cast a spell to protect himself. The collision would be inevitable and nobody knew how much it could hurt. There was no slowing down.


None of the characters, settings or spells belong to me. Credits to J.K Rowling, for everything Wizarding World related.


Hi, I'm Emmy and welcome to my Draco Malfoy x Reader! There are just a few things I'd like to go over, before we begin and I'd appreciate if you read them.

• So, I wrote this fanfic over two years ago and people seemed to really enjoy it, which I still can't believe. It's always been my dream to write something that people want to read and this fanfiction helped me to accomplish that.

However, I knew that it could be so much better. I grew up over those two years and went through a lot of experiences - some good, some bad. I wasn't the same person I was back when I started this book.

Editing took me several months, but I wanted to thoroughly check that every sentence was the best it could possibly be. I also made a new cover, which I love.

• The reader is a Gryffindor in this book, so I apologise if that is not your house and please feel free to change it.

• Don't forget to check out the Spotify playlist I made for this fanfic! My username is thoseweasleytwins and the playlist has the same name as the title.

• If you enjoy this book, then I have also written a Ron Weasley x Reader and a Fred Weasley x Reader, both of which are available on here (they also have Spotify playlists).

• Here are my other social media, if you wanna take a look at those. It's nothing terribly exciting, trust me.

Instagram (spam): opalfossils

Twitter and Pinterest: magicallyemmy

• Finally, I'd just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read this fanfic. Every read, vote and comment means so much to me and I can't believe how far I've come since joining this site. I hope there will be many more moments to celebrate!


People Change | Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now