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One year later, Harry and Ginny got married. It was a very emotional day. Teddy was the ring boy and he looked adorable. You, Hermione and Luna were the bridesmaids and you all carried bouquets of white lilies, to honour Harry's mother.

Everyone was sobbing for joy, even Professor McGonagall. Ron was obviously the best man, with Neville, George and Draco were the groomsmen.

At the end, Ginny tossed the large bouquet of assorted lilies and Hermione caught it. Her eyes met with Ron, who glanced away after a brief moment.

It was amazing to see Harry, who had lost so many people throughout his life, finally be so happy. He danced slowly with Ginny and you knew that what they shared would last forever.


Three years after the wedding of Harry and Ginny, you and Draco were getting ready to go out. Draco refused to tell you where you were going.

"Y/N, are you ready yet?" Draco asked, walking into the kitchen, of the small flat you were sharing temporarily.

"It would be better if you told me where we were going." You told him, stubbornly, shoving your wand into a bag. It was the same wand that had chosen you so many years ago, at Ollivander's, and it had stuck by your side, never letting you down once.

"Nope." He said, with a smug smile. He took your hand and together, you apparated. The land was barren and you couldn't think why Draco had chosen this place. He blindfolded you and led you a short distance.

He took off your blindfold and you looked around. McGonagall and Slughorn, A pregnant Ginny and Harry Potter, Hermione and Ron, Luna and Rolf Scamander, Neville and Hannah Abott, Teddy and Andromeda, Narcissa, your parents and the Weasleys were all there too, adding to your confusion.

Draco got down on one knee and pulled out a beautiful ring, making you gasp. "Y/N L/N. Nine years I've loved you and for five, I've been able to call you my girlfriend. But, now, I want to love you forever and call you my wife. Will you marry me?" He asked.

"Yes, Draco! Yes!" You screamed, kissing him. He slipped the ring onto your finger and then you celebrated with all of your friends and family for the rest of the day.

Later that year, you and Draco tied the knot. It was a beautiful ceremony, held in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, where some of your best memories were.


A few months later, you watched as Hermione and Ron said their vows, Harry standing beside them. Ginny, who stood with you and Luna, clutching James Sirius, who was six months old and already full of energy. Everyone already knew that he was going to grow up and be a brilliant Quidditch player, just like his parents. Oliver Wood was more delighted than anyone at this realisation.

Later that year, Neville proposed to Hannah Abott, using their shared love of Herbology. Luna and Rolf went on a search, across many countries, for Crumple-Horned Snorkacks and came back married, along with a horn that they were convinced counted as evidence.


Two years later, Ginny also gave birth to Albus Severus and Hermione to Rose. You gave birth to Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, who was the splitting image of his Father, even as a small baby.

There were many inside jokes between you, Ron Hermione and Harry and Draco about how Rose, Albus, James and Scorpius would be the next Golden Team.


A few years later, Lily Luna Potter was born and so was Hugo Arthur Weasley. James, Albus and Rose were all overjoyed, when they met their younger siblings.

You and Draco had found out that you were expecting again and the both of you couldn't be happier. But, Scorpius was the most overjoyed and couldn't wait to meet his younger brother or sister.

Often, Scorpius would play with Rose, James and Albus. Seeing them having fun together was great and you hoped their closeness would continue as they grew up.

Alastor Malfoy was born and he looked more like you, with the same hair colour. However, he had one eye the same colour as Draco's and the other the same colour as yours. It reminded you of Mad Eye.


James was finally starting Hogwarts, with his Father's map and Invisibility Cloak. He also had Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley, the school's power couple to look out for him. His whole family and parents' best friends were at Kings Cross, to wave him off and reminisce of their times at Hogwarts.

Of course, the younger children were all jealous and wanted to go to Hogwarts too.

"It'll be your turn soon." You promised, with a light laugh, ruffling Alastor's messy hair and doing the same to Scorpius, who frowned at this.

"They grow up so fast." Sighed Draco, wistfully.


"Scorpius, hurry or we're going to be late." You yelled. You heard Draco muttering spells and Alastor's laugher. Scorpius ran downstairs, dragging his trunk and pet snowy owl.

"Locomotor Trunk." You said, guiding the trunk through the door and into the car. You placed the trunk in the back and buckled the owl cage in. Alastor bounded in, next to Scorpius. Draco got in the driver's seat and drove to Kings Cross.

You waited on the platform, along with all of the other excited students and parents.

"What if I'm in Slytherin? Everyone says that's the bad house." Scorpius asked, worriedly. Draco looked away.

"It doesn't matter. Your dad was a Slytherin. Even if you are, you'll still be the best damn wizard there is." You told him. You pulled him and Alastor close, so Draco couldn't hear. "Mummy has a secret to tell you." You said.

After you told them, they looked away, smiling. Rose and Albus ran over, so you and Draco talked with the Potters and Weasleys. Although it was hard to say goodbye, you knew Scorpius was going to be fine.

"Y/N, what did you tell the boys?" Draco asked, later that evening. "I'm pregnant again." You grinned mischievously. He picked you up and spun you around, which was something he loved to do.

Nine months later, you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, with Draco's eyes and a tuft of your hair. "What shall we name her?" Draco asked, looking at the baby nestled in your arms.

"Minerva. Minerva Hermione Malfoy." You smiled.

Nineteen years after the war, eighteen years after you graduated Hogwarts, everyone got their happily ever after.


A/N: It's all over. There will be a longer Author's Note and a playlist for this book to come. Thank you so much for reading. - Emmy


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