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Later in the evening, you were curled up on the comfortable sofa, engrossed in the romance story that Hermione had recommended that you read. It was cliché and cringy at parts, but sometimes you liked that.

It was getting late and your eyelids were heavy, but you didn't want to sleep, not yet. Malfoy still wasn't back from wherever he had been all afternoon.

You were growing more tired and eventually stopped resisting sleep. You placed your head on a cushion and closed your eyes, letting the book fall out of your hand and onto the ground. The nightmare began, as soon as you drifted off into a deep sleep.

Draco entered the room, not long after and his tough expression softened at the sight of you lying on the sofa. You looked calm, but he knew that wasn't the truth. He quickly got a blanket, from his room, and gently placed it on you, not wanting you to get cold. He briefly debated whether a kiss on the forehead would be too much and decided not to. He scolded himself for even considering it.

He clambered into his bed, a little while later, but was kept awake all night with thoughts of a certain Gryffindor spinning around in his head.


You woke up, confused at first as to why you were on the sofa. Then, you noticed the warm, green blanket over you and smiled.

In the most elegant way possible, you rolled off the sofa and onto the floor. The sudden noise made Malfoy rush in, his hair tousled and facial features worried. He sighed with relief, when he realised that you were okay.

"Thanks." You said, gesturing to the blanket. He grinned a little, in response, before picking up your wrist and examining it closely. It was bruised a vibrant shade of purple and was very painful when pressure was put on it.

"I'm going to kill Nott, for doing this." He growled.

"Draco, it's fine. Really." You lied, trying to reassure him. You would get used to the pain soon enough. Being a part of the Golden Team meant that you had endured many wounds and injuries over the years, especially last year, when danger was always close by.

"You called me Draco?" He asked. "I don't think I've ever heard you say that before."

"Well, that is your name, isn't it?" You teased.

The two of you walked to the Great Hall together and parted ways, as you headed to your houses, on opposite sides of the room. You made eye cpntact with him several times during breakfast though and thankfully, no one noticed. You didn't want your friends to find out about your new friendship with Draco just yet.

Your first class of the day was Transfiguration, a lesson that you and Draco had together. He sat next to you, ignoring the shocked looks that everyone else was giving the both of you. McGonagall, though, smiled. Her plan to unite the houses was falling into place.

Towards the end of the lesson, she made an important announcement. "The first Hogsmeade trip will be taking place this weekened." She said, receiving cheers from the class. Did you imagine it, or was she looking at you and Draco, whilst she'd said that?

Fortunately, nobody asked about why you and Draco had been sitting together, so he was able to walk with you to Herbology in peace. However, he didn't stand with you, but instead moved to the other side of the greenhouse, with Blaise Zabini. Of course, he kept staring at you, during the lesson.

You were so distracted by him that a sly tendril, from the plant you were in the middle of re-potting whipped you in the face, narrowly missing your eyes. After that, you decided it was probably a good idea to start concentrating more.


The week continued to pass by and finally, it was Friday. You had a Defence Against the Dark Arts class in the morning and then the rest of the day consisted of free periods, which you spent in the library, completing homework.

"And now, I'm all done." You say, proudly, after finishing your Potions essay, about various antidotes to poisons.

"Y/N, you're always studying. You're no fun." Draco pouted, jokingly, emerging from behind the bookshelves.

He sat down, into the seat opposite you. "Hey, that's mean! I was just finishing my homework, so I can enjoy the weekend." You retort, in an amused tone.

"Speaking of weekends," Draco began, sounding unusually nervous. "Do you want to go to Hogsmeade, with me?"

On the inside, you were bursting with excitement, but you tried to remain calm and hide your emotions. "Of course." You replied, casually.

At dinner, that same night, everyone noticed your overjoyed mood. "So, is it a boy?" Teased Hermione, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"Maybe." You answered, earning squeals from Ginny and Hermione.

"Tell us who!" Ginny demanded, leaning across the tables. You shook your head, as it wasn't like you and Draco were in a relationship.

Ron changed the subject. "Okay, then. Who's up for Hogsmeade, tomorrow?"

"Sorry, I can't. I'm going with someone else. You replied, apologetically.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"I bet it's the boy she's crushing on." Ginny loudly whispered, to Hermione, who nodded in agreement.

"I can't tell you guys, not yet. You'll only be horrid about it." You say, looking down at your half-finished meal.

"Fine, be like that." Ron huffed, angrily. He turned away, ignoring you. An awkward silence hung over the group, like a rain cloud threatening to drench you at any moment.

You say gloomily and finished eating, leaving immediately after you were done. You would apologise to Ron soon. The war had made you realise that your friends were some of the most important people in your life, so you hated arguing with them, especially over insignificant things.

Not in the mood to do anything, you went straight to your room and read a random book for ages. There was no way you would be able to sleep. Despite your argument with Ron, you were still very excited about going to Hogsmeade with Draco.

You wrote a quick letter to your parents, telling them about your classes and Draco. Then, your owl, who was on your windowsill, starting flying around the room, hooting loudly, with glee. This was something which often happened when you needed to deliver a letter.

You attached the letter and the owl flew off into the night. You watched until you lost sight of the beautiful creature amongst the shining stars.

After a long evening, it was time to sleep. You closed your eyes, with a smile on your face, despite knowing your nightmare was waiting and Ron still being upset with you.


A/N: This is probably my least favourite chapter so far, as I don't like the structure too much, however I couldn't come up with anything else. I think most of the content is good, though and I hope you feel the same!

I honestly hoped December would be less busy than the past few months, but I have three science exams next week and an interview for the next academic year. My exams have been good (so far) and I think I'm on track to aim high in the summer. I'm especially happy with my English Language grade.


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