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Rough arms grabbed you, wrenching you apart from Draco. In the confusion, Harry's cloak fell off, revealing him to your attackers. Several more masked figures grabbed him and Draco.

You started shouting spells, to try and save yourself and the others, but you couldn't get to your wand without anyone noticing. As you were dragged through a secret passageway, which you didn't recognise, you tried to squirm out of the tight grasp, clearly annoying your captor.

"Incarcerous." He snarled. Ropes suddenly binded themselves around your body, making it easier for you to be carried away. You heard noises behind you, which sounded like punches.

You lay still, as you couldn't do much else. You were carried out of the grounds, surprised nobody had noticed. Then again, it was dark and late at night.

Trying to think of an escape plan was difficult, because you didn't know where you were being taken, or how to rescue Harry and Draco. The only shred of hope you had, was that Ron waited up for Harry, who wasn't returning.

Once out of the grounds, your kidnapper disapparated, as the charm was rendered useless. You felt the normal, dizzying sensation and prayed that he would splinch himself. He landed and tossed you to the ground.

"What do we have here?" Asked a cold, familiar voice, sending shivers down your spine.

"Mr. Malfoy, it's the Mudblood that you told us about." Answered the person, who'd brought you here.

Two loud cracking sounds rung through your ears. Draco and Harry were thrown to the ground, near to you. "And look, it's my Blood Traitor son and the Boy Who Lived." Lucius Malfoy said, lazily.

"Why are you doing this, Father?" Demanded Draco.

"Since the Dark Lord's downfall, I, his most loyal follower, have taken it upon myself to let his dreams become reality." Lucius laughed, psychotically.

"That's never going to happen!" Shouted Harry.

"Take them to the cellar." Lucius ordered.

You were slung on a shoulder, once more, then chucked down some stairs, into the cellar. It was dark, draughty and all too familiar. Draco and Harry were thrown down, nearly landing on you.

Harry, you guessed, stood up. "Did they get your wands?" He asked, very quietly.

"No." You and Draco answered. Harry lit his, Draco doing the same.

"Diffindo." Draco whispered, the ropes coming undone. He helped you up and turned to Harry.

"Draco, how do we get out?" You asked, trying not to panic. The last time you'd been here, Death Eaters had tortured you and the memories of that were flooding back to you, all at once.

"You can apparate into the cellar, but not out." He explained.

"I could try a talking Patronus and send it to the others." Suggested Harry. You nodded, because what other choice was there?

He closed his eyes in concentration, focusing hard on his happiest memory. "Expecto Patronum." He muttered. A silver stag appeared in front of you, galloping around.

"I think Kingsley said that you just talk to it and then it will find the person that it needs." You remembered.

"Ron and Hermione. We're in the cellar of Malfoy Manor, help!" He told it. The stag galloped until it disappeared, leaving the three of you alone.

"What do we do now?" Draco asked.

"I say we fight our way out." You say, trying to put on a confident facade.

"I agree. We have to try." Harry added.

"Bloody Gryffindors." Draco grumbled.

You pulled out your wand and muttered the first incantation, that came to mind. "Expulso!" The force it created caused the door to swing off its hinges. You charged up the stairs, wand ready.

Four Death Eaters heard the commotion and ran at you. "Petrificus Totalis! Everte Staum!" Draco yelled, the petrified Death Eater being thrown backwards and into the cellar.

"Duro!" Harry bellowed and the Death Eater rapidly turned to stone.

"Orbis! Collashoo! Stupefy!" You cried. One was sucked into the ground, the other had his feet stuck to the ground and stunned.

"Let's go!" Yelled Harry, running through a hallway.

"Draco, where's the exit?" You shrieked, dodging spells.

"This way!" He pointed. You all ran in that direction, stopping immediately, when Lucius Malfoy blocked your path to freedom.

"I'm surprised you defeated my friends so quickly. But, even more so that my own son would betray me." He drawled, brandishing his wand. Draco was red with anger. "Draco, why don't you ditch Miss. Mudblood here and join me again." He said, glaring at Draco.

"Never." Draco replied, before shooting red sparks at Lucius. He was knocked to the floor and you sprinted past him, to the door.

"Alohomora." You said. It swung open and you dashed outside, to see Ron and Hermione running to you.

"We couldn't apparate, so we did it nearby and ran here." Explained Ron, huffing.

"Let's go!" Ordered Hermione and everyone ran down the pathway and ince they were safely out, Hermione picked up a twig.

"Portus." She said. Everyone touched the twig and they were transported back inside the school. "The Ministry are on their way to the manor."

"I know who helped the Death Eaters get in." You said, suddenly.

"Who?" Ron asked.

"Theodore Nott, I saw his face, before I stunned him. I think he was under the Imperious curse."

Draco snapped his fingers. 'That's why he was acting like that, to you. You're one of the two most wanted Muggleborns." He added.

Finally, you headed back to the dorm, safely this time. Draco picked you up, bridal style. "Y/N, go to sleep." He said. You did, tired and you rested your head on his shoulder. He placed you in your bed and climbed in next to you. He fell asleep instantly, holding you in his arms.


A/N: I don't think I did a great job with this chapter, as it was the first time I've ever written something like this. However, it was nice to try something different and I can learn how to improve.

Also, I'm going on a field trip next week, so I'll be gone for six days. There will be internet at the hotels, but I probably won't be able to upload much. I'm actually hoping to finish reuploading this before then.


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