Christmas With The Malfoys

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A/N: Ho ho ho, I decided to do a festive one shot after all! This is going to be Minnie's first Christmas. I hope you enjoy it.


It was early on Christmas morning, a morning that had been eagerly anticipated by everyone in your family for weeks. You and Draco were sound asleep, tired from hours spent magically wrapping presents late into the night.

Baby Minerva, or 'Minnie', as everyone called her was also still snoozing, allowing you to finally get some well-earned rest. She was so small and her sophisticated name seemed too big for her right now. But, she would grow into it and live up to the high expectations already placed on her by her namesakes.

She was dressed in an adorable Christmas outfit, clutching her favourite teddy bear, given to her by her older brothers. She looked just like you, with Draco's eyes.

A small kitten rested on your bed, contentedly curled up on the emerald green blanket, as it was much too cold outside. Faint hoots could be heard from Scorpius' snowy owl and the occasional croak from Alastor's toad, whom he proudly named Swampy.

It was snowing. A cliché white Christmas, magical, although not that you needed any more! The house was beautifully decorated, a large pine tree in the living room, covered in sentimental ornaments and a traditional star on top. There were also other decorations scattered around the house, spreading the festive cheer.

The thing that definitely made your Christmas, though, was having your whole family around. You really missed Scorpius, when he was at school. The weekly letters he sent reassured you that he was having fun, but it didn't make it any easier.

This Christmas was going to be great. With your perfect husband, Draco. With bubbly Alastor, confident Scorpius and adorable Minnie.


Two smallish figures bounded in, jumping on the bed, waking you up instantly, with loud cheers.

"It's Christmas!" Exclaimed Alastor, waving his arms in the air. As his magic was still uncontrollable, he managed to shatter a vase. And wake up a sleeping Minnie.

"I'm sorry, Mummy." He whispered, barely audible over Minnie's crying. "It's fine, it was an ugly vase anyway." Draco chuckled, clambering out of bed and yawning. You followed him, grabbing Minnie, attempting to calm her down, as everyone traipsed downstairs, in their pajamas, something which you did every year.

Scorpius led the way, into the living room, where a stack of presents was waiting, neatly arranged under the towering tree. Lazily flicking his wand, Draco turned on the radio, where Celestina Warbeck was singing the usual Christmas songs. You waved your wand, with the arm that wasn't holding Minnie, to turn on the fire and instantly make the room seem much more cosy.

You and Draco eagerly watched, feigning surprise when Scorpius unwrapped a new broom (he had become a Keeper for Slytherin this year) and Alastor received his favourite Weasley's Wizard Wheezes products, wondering how Santa had known exactly what he'd wanted. Minnie, although she was too young to understand the concept of Christmas, got some new outfits and toys.

From you, Draco got a new watch, much like the Weasley's clock. It had hands for you, Scorpius, Alastor and Minnie. "Thank you, Y/N. I love it, but not as much as I love you." Draco smiled, kissing you.

"Yuck!" Spluttered Scorpius, covering his eyes with his hands.

"You can't talk, Scorp. Ginny says that James' most recent letter said he caught you and Rose holding hands." You teased, rocking Minnie gently. Scorpius' face flushed red, as Alastor and Draco laughed.

To you, Draco gave a beautiful neclace, with a heart charm. The heart glowed red, once he fastened it around your neck. "It glows red for as long as I love you." He explained.

"Draco, it's perfect." You told him, beaming. The warm fire crackled, as the morning continued.


Later on in the morning, the Potters and Weasleys arrived via Floo Powder in your living room. The fire had already been put out, fortunately.

"The Golden Team back together, for another Christmas, eh?" Ron chuckled, helping himself to one of Hermione's homemade mince pies.

"These are really good, 'Mione." Harry said, sounding shocked. Well, you couldn't blame him; usually Hermione's cooking wasn't so tasty. When she cooked Christmas dinner last year, the dessert had started foaming and completely covered the kitchen floor.

"I didn't even make them, Molly did." Hermione whispered to you, as she went to get a Butterbeer. You and Ginny laughed at that and you took another sip of Gillywater.

There was a marvellous lunch, which everyone had contributed to. The house that you and Draco had bought had a large dining room, so there was plenty of room for everyone.

You pulled a Christmas cracker with Rose, who's eyes lit up in delight, when sparks flew out of it, as well as some white mice.

The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing and talking; everyone was too full to move. Draco read a Christmas story to Alastor, Lily and Hugo, who were in awe.

After that, James decided to go outside, everyone following suit. You joined them, after making sure Minnie would be warm enough. Waiting outside was the biggest snowman you'd ever seen. "No way, did you guys build that without magic?" You gasped.

"Yep, we did it all by ourselves, without any help from adults." Scorpius said, proudly, as Albus grinned beside him.


In the evening, everyone had to go home. And it was time for bed. "Merry Christmas, my precious children." You whispered, as Scorpius and Alastor fell asleep.

You then put Minnie to sleep and led down, next to Draco. "A successful Christmas, I'd say, Mr. Malfoy." You murmured, placing your head on the pillow.

"I agree, Mrs. Malfoy. Now, get some rest. We have another long day tomorrow, with my mum and your parents coming over." He said, quietly, placing a kiss on your forehead. Before you could reply, you were fast asleep.


A/N: This was so fun to write, I miss writing this story. I decided to upload today, as a lot of people will probably be pretty busy tomorrow. So, have a wonderful Christmas and if you don't celebrate Christmas, enjoy your day!

Also, I'm uploading a Christmassy chapter on my Fred X Reader, at some point today. I'm not going to do anything for my Ron X Reader, as there is already a Christmas themed chapter in there. Bye!

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