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It was finally the night of the ball. You wore a beautiful dress in your favourite style and colour, matching with your shoes. Using magic, you had done your hair and makeup, saving lots of time.

You slowly walked down the steps, trying not to focus on the fact that you had no date, again. But, you were determined to remain positive and have a wonderful evening. You looked down at your scar and sighed, before seeing Draco stood in the living room, adjusting his hair.

His eyes lit up, when he saw you and his jaw dropped, as you gave him a shy smile. "Wow." He whispered.

"How do I look?" You asked him, twirling around.

"You look beautiful, Y/N." He said, sincerely. There was a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Thanks, you look amazing, too." You replied, leaving the dorm.

You put on your mask, which had been enchanted to make you completely unrecognisable, unless you wished to be. Once you tied the silk ribbons, you gasped, as it morphed into something different. It now matched your dress and had an intricate pattern all over it.


The Great Hall was fully decorated and looked very different. Everyone had done an incredible job. There were already lots of people dancing and enjoying the ball, as a live band performed on the stage.

But, there was a faint air of sadness, as this ball was also a memorial to those who couldn't make it.

You spotted the Weasleys and rushed over to them, immediately being hugged by Mrs. Weasley and Fleur.

"Y/N, dear. It's so good to see you." Mrs. Weasley smiled.

"It has been too long." Fleur added, in her French accent. Bill grinned and nodded, placing an arm around his wife.

You politely greeted Charlie and Percy, as you weren't as close to them, having not spent as much time with them, as the other members of the Weasley family.

"Y/N, just the person. I need some help with a new Muggle item, I believe it's called a 'television'?" Mr. Weasley said.

"I'm familiar with those." You laughed, seeing a look of annoyance on Mrs. Weasley's face.

You were then engulfed in a hug, by the Weasley brother you were closest with. "Hey, George, how's the shop?" You asked, as he let you go and smiled. He'd offered you a job, after you graduated, so you could figure out what you wanted to do.

"Now that You-Know-Who is gone, people can joke more freely." He told you. "May I have this dance, Miss. L/N?" He asked, bowing.

Laughing, you nodded, as he took your hand and the two of you danced, as friends. He had eyes for Angelina Johnson and was waiting to ask her out.

You took a break and got some water, noticing Draco leaning against the wall, alone and looking sullen. After grabbing a second goblet, you walked over to him. He accepted the drink, but just stared at it.

"Is Weasley your date, then?" He asked, bitterly, his eyes fixated on the water.

"No, George is my closest friend!" You told him. "Where's your date?"

"I don't have one. I like someone, but can't find the courage to ask them out."

"What are they like? Maybe I can help." You suggested, feeling your heart break.

"Beautiful, smart and kind. But, they never let it go to their head. I wasted so much time being mean and regret it every single day. For four years, I've liked them."

"Draco, they'd be lucky to have you." As long as he was happy, then you could try to be glad for him.

"It'll take more than magic, probably." He exhaled, sadly.

"Just do something small and personal. I'm sure it would mean a lot."

He thanked you and rushed away, leaving you alone. However, it was time for special awards to be given. Professor McGonagall, who was wearing dress robes of dark purple, took the stage.

"Guests, students, staff. Thank you for attending our Memorial Ball, organised by our Head Boy and Girl and Prefects." She started, as everyone who had helped to arrange the ball stood and was applauded.

"There are several people, who deserve recognition for their efforts, in saving the Wizarding World. First of all, Harry Potter, who is determined to protect those who he cares about, no matter the sacrifices he'll have to make." She presented Harry with a trophy.

"Ron Weasley, for always putting his family and friends before himself." Ron received a similar trophy and you guessed that everyone got one.

"Hermione Granger, a great advocate for equality. Neville Longbottom, for having the courage to stand up for what is right. Luna Lovegood, for staying true to herself. Ginny Weasley, an excellent friend, who sticks to her opinions. George Weasley, who is still laughing." You clapped for all of your friends, as they each went up on stage, receiving their trophies.

"Lastly, Y/N L/N, who keeps calm in difficult situations and is able to have faith in others." McGonagall smiled.

You walked onto the stage, beaming, as you were givem the beautiful, golden trophy of Hogwarts. It was definitely something to treasure forever.

Once the applause had ceased, you sat back down, next to Ginny and George. Then, you helped yourself to all of the delicious foods that had been cooked for this special occasion.

When you had finished, a paper dove soared towards you, landing neatly on the table. Curiously, you picked it up and unfolded it.

"Y/N, meet me at the Astronomy Tower, now. You'll find out my identity." You read. Obviously, the note wasn't signed.

You excused yourself and practically ran to the Astronomy Tower. When you got there, you were alone, so you wandered over to the railing, admiring the view of the night sky, which was covered in shining stars and a crescent moon. You shivered slightly; it was a cold night.

"The view from up here is amazing." Draco emerged from the shadows, holding a single red rose. He placed it in your hands, then left his on top.

"You sent the note?" You whispered, in disbelief.

"Y/N, I fell for you. Maybe it was your determination to befriend me, when no one else would. Or your unique personality. I just knew I needed you to be complete and the Amortentia helped me to realise this." He confessed.

"Draco, I feel the same." You told him, stepping closer.

He placed a cold hand on your warm cheek and leaned in. You did the same, wrapping your arms around his neck. Your lips met and moved together, full of passion, yet gentleness. He let his hands drift to your waist and picked you up. Then, you both pulled away, smiling.

"Y/N L/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, still holding you.

"Of course!" You squealed, kissing him again.


A/N: Ahhh, it happened! I prefer to write about having a crush on someone than being in a relationship, so I'm not sure about what will come next.

Happy new year and I'm sorry for not updating this story for a while. Something happened and it affected me way more than I thought it would, so I had to deal with my feelings, but didn't go about it in the best way. But, I want to get myself back on track, hopefully.


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