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The atmosphere of the school had changed, since the news. And it was only getting worse. Muggleborns were being snatched again, most likely for torture. The teachers were more tense, as were the older students. Everybody travelled in groups. Nobody wanted another war.

Tonight, you and Draco were on night-time patrol. You wandered around the dark corridors, with only the moonlight to guide you. Draco slipped his hands into yours, soothing you. "Lumos." You whispered, Draco doing the same.

You could hear muttering voices in an old classroom. Non-verbally, you dimmed the light from your wand and stood outside of the classroom door, Draco following you.

From inside your cloak, you pulled out two pairs of Extendable Ears. You passed one to Draco, then listened to what was happening.

"With help from you, Death Eaters will rid Hogwarts of filthy Mudbloods, then we will take over and avenge the Dark Lord." Said a low voice, in an amused and powerful tone.

"Yes, I am prepared to do anything to help; I know I will be rewarded greatly. No one will ever suspect me." Cackled another voice. That was all you needed to hear.

Feeling suddenly nauseous, you looked at Draco, in shock and terror. You could hear footsteps approaching the door.

Draco flung you over his shoulder and ran through the corridors, to the dormitory. Thankfully, it was only on the next floor up. "Polyjuice Potion!" He hissed, then clambered through the door, trying to shut it quietly. It creaked loudly.

He put you down and started pacing back and forth. You sat down, not knowing what to do. "We can't tell McGonagall, we have no proof." You said, in exasperation.

"You're right, she won't believe us." He added, sitting down, next to you.

"But, I know people who would definitely help us." You realised. It was so obvious.

"Who?" Draco asked, clueless.

"Harry, Ron and Hermione." You said, almost smiling. The Golden Team would, once again, save the world of magic.

"I think we should get some sleep. We're gonna need it." You said, yawning softly. Draco picked you up, bridal style and carried you to your room.

"Y/N, maybe I'd better stay here. Anything could happen to you, you're not safe." He told you, after setting you down.

He was right, although nobody had the password, they could find another way in. You knew, from experience, that Death Eaters and Snatchers would go to extremes to capture Muggleborns. Draco wasn't safe, either. An ex Death Eater, now fighting for the greater good, siding with his Muggleborn girlfriend and Harry Potter.

You nodded. He went to the bathroom, then came back in his pyjama bottoms. You also changed into your pyjamas. You then got into bed, cuddling into him. "This moment is perfect." You murmured, tracing patterns on his arm.

"I love you, Y/N L/N." He whispered, holding you close.

"I love you, Draco Malfoy." You sighed, feeling warm and content. You closed your eyes, listening to the steady rhythm of Draco's heart.


You woke up, still tightly protected in Draco's arms. His eyes opened, when you moved. "Good morning, beautiful." He laughed, kissing your forehead.

"Draco, I didn't have the nightmare!" You shouted.

"Maybe, it's because I'm here." He suggested, rolling over.

"I think that might be it, you were protecting me." You said, stomach doing somersaults at the thought of someone protecting you.

He left and you got ready for class, not forgetting that you needed to talk with Harry and the others.

Draco was ready before you. He grasped your hand and walked you to breakfast. Instead of leaving you, he followed you to the Gryffindor table.

"Bloody hell, does he have to eat with us?" Ron groaned. Hermione shot him a dangerous glare.

"Yes, Ronald, we have something to tell you. So, deal with it." You retorted, fiercely.

"Let me guess. You're engaged! No, you're pregnant!" Hermione said, excitedly.

"Merlin, Granger. Can you say it a bit louder? I don't think the Slytherin table heard you." Draco said sarcastically. She laughed, surprisingly.

"No, 'Mione. It's more important than that." You told them about the conversation you'd overheard.

Ron turned to Draco. "No offence, mate, but it's probably a Slytherin. Got any ideas?"

"Probably someone related to a Death Eater. Nott and Goyle are." He said, after thinking.

"Right, that's a start. Malfoy, do they trust you?" Harry piped up.

"I suppose Goyle does. Nott and I aren't on good terms any more." He said, faltering. You were grateful that he didn't explain why.

"Perhaps you could discreetly ask them questions?" Hermione hinted.

"Yeah, of course, I'll head to the common room, later. So, this is what it's like to be a part of the legendary Golden team?"

"You can laugh all you want, but we've achieved more in seven years, than you ever will." Ron growled.

"Okay, calm down, Weasley. Talk to Nott and Goyle by yourselves then." Draco smirked, getting up.

"Ron, we need his help. So, be civil, a lot is depending on this. Also, Y/N loves him, so support her." Harry scolded.

Ron looked sheepish. "Sorry Y/N. Sorry Malfoy." He mumbled, barely audible.

"It's okay Ronnie, but if you do it again, I'll hex you." You said, cheerfully, biting into a red apple.

"I'm sorry too, Weasley." Draco muttered. You hugged him, as apologies were difficult for Draco.

Draco kissed your knuckles and went back to the dormitory. "You two are so cute!" Hermione said, making you blush.

"What can we do, whilst Draco gets answers?" Harry asked you. For once, everyone was looking for you to guide them.

"Uh, I don't really want anyone else involved, so we can't do much. Maybe we should meet in the Room of Requirement, to form a plan."

"Y/N, don't you remember? Crabbe used Fiendfyre, burning the room." Hermione pointed out.

"I have two theories. Possibly, the only room that was destroyed was the room of hidden things. Or, the room changed to protect itself." You explained.

"I'll use my Invisibility Cloak, to sneak out. You three, and Malfoy, can say you're doing the Nighttime patrol. Y/N, make sure you and Malfoy don't run into Ron and Hermione. Filch is smarter than he looks." Harry said.

"And that mangy cat will run to him, if she sees us. The worst that can happen is we'll run into Peeves." Ron continued.

"It's probably sensible if we don't light our wands." Added Hermione.

"Harry, don't travel by yourself, I know you'll be invisible, but take no risks. Stay with Ron and Hermione" You told him, sternly, like a big sister. Well, you did consider Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys your family.


A/N: There's so much dialogue in this part, which I don't like, but I think it's important.

I went back to school and it did not go well, for a couple of reasons. One I have to try to deal with tomorrow and the other I don't think I can do anything about. My mum was also very angry at my brother, so she refused to help me. Everything is just making me extremely anxious just thinking about it, especially what will happen when I attempt to deal with one of my problems tomorrow.


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