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You told Draco about the meeting and he agreed to attend. "Maybe we should bring some food?" You suggested, knowing you could be planning for a long time. Everything had to be precise.

After classes had ended for the day, you led Draco to the school kitchens. Soon, you had to be at the Room of Requirement, so you had to be quick. You tickled the pear in the painting and waited for the chuckle that let you in. You had only been in here once before, during your fourth year.

You glanced towards the fireplace, hoping to see a certain elf. There was a small cough, by your feet. "Winky?" You gasped.

This was not the same Winky, from four years ago; her uniform was clean, she no longer smelt of Butterbeer and there was a huge smile on her face and a sparkle in her large eyes.

"Miss L/N, how nice to see you again!" She squeaked.

"Winky, what happened?" You asked, curiously.

"Winky has changed, since Dobby died. I is getting paid and holidays now." She said excitedly.

"Dobby saved my life and I'll never forget that. I'm glad for you, Winky. I'm sure Hermione would love to see you." You said.

"Yes, Winky needs to apologise to Miss Granger." Winky said, sheepishly. You nodded, making a mental note to tell Hermione that she needed to visit the kitchens.

"What can Winky get for Miss Y/N and her friend?" She asked, looking at Draco.

"Please, could you get us some snacks and some Butterbeer." You told her, kindly.

Immediately after, a dozen house-elves ran up to you, handing you platters of the food you asked for. You thanked all of them, individually, before gesturing Draco to leave.

As you made your way out, there was a small tug on your school skirt. "Please, may Winky visit Miss Y/N, sometimes?" She pleaded.

"Of course Winky, I'd love that." You smiled.

You looked at Draco, who looked like he was going keel over, due to all the food in his arms. "Locomotor food." You laughed, pointing your wand. The platters rose into the air and you guided them down the dim corridors.

Draco walked up and down, thinking of the place where Harry, Ron and Hermione are. On his third time, a door appeared. You were right! Draco went in, followed by you.

The room had parchment and books, cushions and sofas. Right in the centre, there was a wooden table, where the three of them sat, in deep discussion. You placed the floating food on the table. "Where'd you get all this?" Ron asked, eyeing it hungrily.

"I went to the kitchens and saw Winky. You ought to to go see her, 'Mione." You said, grabbing a bottle of Butterbeer.

Draco sat down, next to Harry. "It's not Goyle. I managed to sneak Veritaserum into his pumpkin juice." He said.

"That's illegal!" Hermione gasped.

"I don't care for the rules." He scoffed, putting his feet on the table, as if to prove his point. "Besides, it's nowhere near as bad as what we're trying to stop."

"But we do. Just because we know Kingsley Shacklebolt, doesn't mean the Ministry isn't corrupt." Ron snapped.

"What they don't know won't hurt them." Harry smirked.

"Exactly. We broke pretty much all of the rules last year, but we're still here." You chimed in.

"Okay, time to change the subject. We can't really do anything, without risking exposure." Hermione said, slowly.

"All I've ever done is wait and what good did that do?" Harry argued.

"All Hermione means is we don't do anything stupid, or dangerous. We need to investigate, without being obvious." You told him. Harry opened his mouth, then shut it, defeated.

Together, you and Hermione formulated the perfect plan. Everyone would patrol the school at night, trying to stay hidden (except for Harry, he had the cloak), but if they got caught, they'd make up a lie about Prefect duties. Extendable Ears would be used, to eavesdrop. Any sign of something odd, get away immediately and contact the others.

Neville, Luna and Ginny were also going to be informed, but not patrol, as they weren't Prefects or Heads.

Ron and Hermione left first, then Harry checked the map, making sure they got back safely. "The Maurauder's Map is going to be pretty useful, Harry. Check it often and make sure nobody is doing anything irregular." You advised him. He promised he would and disappeared under the cloak.

You, Draco and Harry left together and were quietly walking across the dark corridor when you heard something suspicious.


A/N: Another really short chapter, sorry. Maybe the next few will be longer. But, this chapter has Winky in it and I love House Elves so much, they're adorable!

Sorry it took me so long to get another chapter up, I caught some kind of flu and it kicked my ass. My school day has also been extended until 4pm, so I've been so bad at managing my time.


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