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You and Draco were going strong, but so far, nobody knew of your relationship. People would judge. The Slytherin Prince and the Gryffindor Princess. Not to mention, there was the fact that you lived together; that would start all kinds of rumours!

However, you finally felt ready to share the news. You wanted to tell your close friends, before anyone else could conjure up a lie to spread.

You told Harry first. It seemed right, because he was Draco's sworn enemy, whilst growing up. But, they had saved each other's lives, so maybe he'd be okay with it.

"Hey, Harry." You murmured, approaching him, by a suit of armour.

"Y/N, I was looking for you! Could you help me and Ron with our transfiguration essay?" He asked, before you had a chance.

"Yeah, I'll come to the common room, if you want. But, I just needed to tell you something." You continued, struggling to say it.

"Sure." He said, rolling up parchment.

"Me and Draco are dating, secretly. Don't tell anyone, please." You told him, in a hushed voice. Harry dropped the bottle of ink he was holding. It shattered all over the book you were clutching, and your shirt. "Okay, not a good start. Tergeo!" You muttered, siphoning the liquid off of your shirt and book. The ink was gone and they looked brand new.

"Sorry, Y/N. Well, if he makes you happy. But, I'll kill him if he hurts you, that's if Ron and George don't first." He said, not joking.

You let out a deep breath. "Thank you, Harry." You shouted and ran off, to find Hermione.

Naturally, she was in the library. "Hermione, Hermione! I need to tell you something!" You shouted. Madam Pince glared at you, before strutting away.

"Yes, Y/N?"

"Draco and I are dating!"

"I'm so happy for you!" She squealed, hugging you. "Have you told Ron yet?"

"I'm gonna do it now." You sighed.

"If he says anything wrong, I'll confront him." She promised. You thanked her and left, before Madam Pince threw you out.

Ron was sat by the Black Lake, lazily creating sparks with his wand. "Ron, me and Draco are dating." You muttered, quickly. It seemed best to get it over with.

"Okay." He shrugged.

"That's it. No arguement, no lecture?" You asked suspicious.

"No. If you like him, then I can't change that." He told you. You tackled him into a hug, grateful for such amazing friends.


The next morning, you and Draco walked into breakfast, whilst everyone applauded. Some people even wolf-whistled. You blushed and ran to your table.

"How does everyone know already?" You muttered.

"It was a complete secret, so naturally, the whole school knows." Harry replied, to puzzled looks. "Dumbledore said that to me, after I defeated Quirrell." He explained, nostalgically. Everyone was silent for a moment, remembering the former headmaster of Hogwarts.

The post arrived, a barn owl delivering an issue of the Daily Prophet to you. You put five Knuts into its pouch and gave it some cereal.

You opened it and choked on your pumpkin juice. Ginny slapped your back, whilst you coughed and spluttered. Once you had recovered, you showed everyone the page.

"The Dark Mark sighted." Hermione read, eyes widening in terror.

"Some Death Eaters avoided Azkaban. Some ran away, whilst others bought their way out of imprisonment." Ron said, darkly.

"This can't be happening." You whispered. Too many died last time, you refused to let it happen again.

"We'll be safe here, Y/N. Professor McGonagall knows what she's doing." Hermione told you, but looked doubtful.

The news spread quickly and teachers had difficulty controlling their classes, but nothing much said about the matter. It was nearly the Christmas holidays and most would be going home, so more would be discussed next term.


A/N: This is such a short chapter, but I didn't feel like I could do much more with it. It's not the best.

I wanted to upload this yesterday, but I think Wattpad was having major server issues, so I couldn't access any part of my profile, or library and drafts. Anyways, hope everyone is enjoying 2018 so far!


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