Some insights and gratitude

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Dearest readers....

I hope you all are doing good and that you have enjoyed this journey till the very end. 

First some insights......

You all had read three repeated sentences in this story more than once.....

“Rainy promise,”
“Say something,”
“Are you following me?”

These appeared in the beginning, middle, and end of the story, each time in a different situation, with a different response, carrying different emotions. There are not the mere words these actually became heartbeat of this story.

Many of you asked for a happy ending while the story was still ongoing, but I always stayed quiet and said, "Let’s see." That wasn’t to tease you (well, maybe a little bit🤭), but because I wanted you to experience the every emotions I poured into story. If you’d known the ending already, you could never feel the same intensity of their pain, their struggles, and their moments of doubt. Than there was no point to show their pain, if you already knew that she is gonna survive.

Second Uncle john backdrop was to show the beauty and pain of letting go, and especially to show the impact of his decision on Karishma, to make situations more tricky for her, basically to challenge her decision and at last against all the odds her decision was even.

(Although it was for you guys also to think otherwise about ending 🤭)

Third the fact is that ending was decided even before I started writing this story, when it was just in my mind and when I started the story even in the first chapter I was so so so excited to write the last scene of the story, I wanted to recreate their first scene the road, the rain, the question. So it was always the vision I held in my heart to make it happy and I’m so glad it came out good...... 

I’m not usually one to get attached to my own writing, but this was my first story I got so attached that first it was meant to end at 30 than 35 and than it kept growing and reached 50 but to be very honest I was still not ready to end it but it was story demand and I avoid unnecessary stretching of plot and at last it ended.😞

One question was about my favorite scene.  mine was all the rain scenes, and the one when Haseena let Karishma back into her life despite being doubtful about her survival. That decision, to take a chance, to make the best memories with her, and to express her love, to spend the last moments with her was something I feel was her bravest and best choice, as life doesn't always give luxury of good byes....and sometimes, the greatest risk is also the greatest gift. 

Also I do love to hear from you what was your favorite scene, any line, or any moment from the story?

Lastly I wanted to say a big thank you to each and every one of you whether you voted, commented, followed, or read silently and those who continuously grace the comment section with their presence. Your love and support kept me motivated through out the whole journey.

You all were so so kind to this story and thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this journey.
Really means a lot....🤗

I hope now you will remember the promise not just any promise, but a rainy promise.

"Promises are hard to keep but Rainy promises are hardest to keep...."

"Sometimes people aren't afraid of dying, they are afraid of being forgotten...."

Once again thank you immensely....

With love and gratitude...

Your Author.....

Rainy Promises - kareenaWhere stories live. Discover now