Chapter 24 Thor

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                                                                            Chapter 24 Thor

Stress affects people in a variety of ways. Some get really exhausted and lose their appetite others go mad and claw and pull at their eyebrows. Of course there are some who have managed to control the stress by releasing it into other things such as sports or music but those tend to be rare. In whatever way you may portray your stress it doesn't matter for stress it still stressing and it stresses you the same way it stresses anyone else and overall it's just a stressful thing. And you know who can tell you about stress? Six lonesome wolves that are straying from their pack, six lonesome wolves who watch no other's back.

First we have the three that are keeping a secret Skylar Peterson, and Xavier and Daniel Acosta. Skylar and Xavier are teamed up what they're up to no one knows but everyone sees the scars they hold. He bares a long scratch around his waist and a fair bruise on his face what is Xavier up to? Skylar seems to be unharmed but she stands quite close to Xavier's arm. They both are stressed for that's what telling lies do, suck the life right out of you.

And then there's Daniel the happy twin but what makes him so happy? He's keeping a secret as well, and though his may harm the least everyone is still curious the reason behind that grinning beast. So yes he is stressed for he's trying to contain his happiness since he has no one to share it with.

You know what else causes stress? Ask Joshua and he'll tell you. Family problems he never imagined now consume his life and all his friends are too caught up in their own world's to worry about his strife. Only one person knows and she's nearly forgotten so poor Josh is alone and the worse hasn't even started.

Next there's Derek who if you couldn't guess is too being consumed by stress. His girlfriend or his best friends? Not at all a tough question but he doesn't want to choose he wants to make it work, to have it all. But, it's not that easy and having it all might just cause him to fall.

And lastly there's Rain who is the composer of this train. People are revisiting her life some who are welcome others who are banned. For example Kase and Kyle bring her excitement while Stephanie and Rodger bring her a headache. Her body is exhausted from the constant transitions of happy and sad so let's see where she is now good or bad?


School was awful and I barely made it through without an after school detention, which would've been bad since I'd miss practice. But none of that matters now because I'm home and that means no teachers or petty bitches. Currently my mom was cooking and the wonderful smell of steak and mashed potatoes interrupted my thoughts and carried me downstairs.

"It smells so good down here," I moaned as my mom smiled stirring a pot of vegetables.

"I was wondering what drug you down here," she laughed. I walked closer towards her examining the variety of edibles. I knew she was making the boy's favorites which if I was right meant that there should be macaroni & cheese somewhere. "Mind setting the table the boys will be here any minute."

"Okay," I answered walking towards the cabinets and pulling down plates for everyone.

"How have things been going Rain?"

"Not as well as I'd like them to be," I said gently placing a plate in front of each chair.

"You definitely have a lot on your shoulders I'll give you that but you have great friends supporting you." I gave her a close mouth smile as I laid out the utensils wishing her words were true. "You have told them everything right?" she eyed me.

"For the most part..."

"What does that mean?" she asked giving me a cold look for vaguely answering her question.

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