Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


I’m so sorry I haven’t updated in a while! I know it’s really annoying! I don’t have a certain time when I’ll be updating, because it’s really whenever I find the time to do it! Hopefully, it won’t ever be like, another month before I update again!

I hope I’m pleasing you (:


            “Did you get out alright?” Henry asked me, helping me into his car. He probably asked me that because I ran out of the house like a mad woman before he could even get into the driveway.

            I probably looked really desperate.

            Well, I am.

            “My brother and his best friend are slightly annoying.” I laughed nervously. Shit, this was probably the most unflattering thing a girl could do with a guy. Leave it to me to do something like this. No wonder I never had any boyfriends or anything to do with guys; I acted like this.

            I’m going to blame Ryder, because somehow, he causes everything. He always got all possessive if I was hanging around other guys to begin with, and it’s not like I acted that way when he was around other girls. Jealous, maybe a little, but I would never admit that to him.

            Henry just laughed at me and pulled out of my driveway. He had the windows open and quiet music on the radio. It was so relaxing, I probably could have fallen asleep right there.

            That couldn’t happen of course, I was going to a party with a hot boy, I couldn’t do anything more embarrassing than I already have.          

            Henry finally showed up to the beach and parked perfectly and helped me out of his car. From the distance, you could see the tiki torches and you could hear laughing, and some music playing. But it wasn’t loud, obnixous or even annoying; it was perfect.

            “Ready to have fun?” He asked, smiling at my amazed expression.

            “Hell yeah.” He laughed and we walked over to the large group of music lovers and his life guard friends. Henry gabbed me a soda and we walked over to Andy and Jerry, who seemed to be having a very intimate conversation.

            “Yo, you’re without your main squeeze.” Jerry said, obviously talking about Ryder. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at Jerry. This dude was a mess, and why was he so close to Andy anyway?

            “I don’t need to be with him every second of the day!”

            “But you always are.” He pouted, taking another drink from his red cup.

            “Don’t mind him, he’s just moping around.” Andy spoke up.

            “About what?” I asked.

            “Doesn’t matter.”Jerry sighed, taking another drink of his cup. Pretty soon it was empty and he squeezed it shut, throwing it into one of the garbage cans that were parked in the sand.

            “Alrighty then.” I sighed, taking a drink of my soda. Henry was talking to one of his life guard friends, who might I add, was a very attractive girl. Shit, I was not going to compete with that girl, there was no way in hell that I could even stand a chance next to her.

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