Chapter Ten

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Hello! I told you I would update! I just lied about the time because I fell asleep. I'm working so many hours and getting all this stuff done that I honestly don't have time to even sleep.

I like my sleep.

Anyway, here's chapter 10! I'm going to see Monster's University tonight, but hopefully I'll have another chapter up for you all to make up for my lack of updating.

anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 10


I left Ryder with my brother since they fall under the same category of being a major douche. Ryder was still on a tight rope and there was no way in hell I was going to let him off easily, but right now I couldn’t really think. Yes, Ryder was very important to me; I loved him. I needed him in my life, and as sick as it was, nothing would be the same, he’s been with me since we were toddlers. He, however, needs to show me that he actually wants to be there. Why would I waste my time?

As I made my way down the stairs to Adam’s car, I thought about how chaotic my life was turning out. It’s insane, actually. Maybe I’ll write myself a book one day. Or my life could be a soap opera, that’s the way it feels half the time.

Exiting my front door, I saw Adam in his car, crying. Just the simple sight of that made my heart crack in my chest, causing a pinching feeling in my chest. The Adam I grew up with never cried, ever. Sure, he wasn’t my best friend, but he was just like another brother to me. I’ve never seen him this upset.

Pushing away any thoughts or unwanted comments I wanted to say, I quietly opened the passenger door of his car and sat inside. This was probably a bad idea, I have no idea what I would say to comfort him.

“Babe, I’m fine.” Adam sniffed. His hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly I wondered if he was going to break the damn thing. He was trying to hide the fact that he was so upset, and kept turning away from me.



“Don’t feel sorry for me.” He snapped.

“I’m sorry my brother is an idiot, he’s just stressed.” I tried.

“No, I’m the idiot. I don’t know what I was thinking. Seriously, I don’t. Why would I think that Tyler would even think about me anyway? He barely gives two shits about me half the time. I guess I just made things up in my head. I just thought we would end up like you and Ryder.”


“Oh please.” He said, rolling his eyes. “You know what I’m talking about.” Unfortunately, I did, I was just planning on avoiding it until it went away. It’s so far not working, but I can always keep trying.

“No.” I said.


“Have you and Tyler had something going on?” I blurted. I really had to know the answer to this question. Nothing else made sense, Adam didn’t seem to be the type of person to just randomly go gay for his best friend. But then again, what do I know?

“I guess not. Guess he was just using me.” He said sadly.

“Want me to stay with you?” I asked him.

“I don’t want a pity party, Ally. Here, take this.” He said, rolling a faded yellow band off of his wrist. He didn’t even look at me as he handed me this disgusting piece of crap to me.


What the hell is AT?

Is this a friendship bracelet? Or is it more? Before I could ask, I shut my mouth. The last thing I want to do is make Adam hurt more. Clearly something was going on than they intended and Tyler is trying to brush it off. I just don’t understand how I didn’t notice this before. How long has this been going on, anyway?

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