Chapter Fifteen

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            “Adam? Can you pick up your phone? I just- never mind.” Tyler whispered, hanging up the phone. I was walking to the kitchen when I heard him trying to contact Adam. At first, my heart leaped and I couldn’t contain the smile, I was right, Tyler was wrong.

            Of course, my happiness and cockiness died down when I heard the weakness and vulnerability in Tyler’s voice. He would never admit that he was involved with Adam in an intimate way, and I needed to let that go. Sure, I wanted to know every damn detail-except if it got explicit, and I wanted to know how he was going to get Adam back.

            Unfortunately with Tyler, when it came to feelings and people he’s involved with, he’s always quiet about it. He never has opened up about those things and neither have I, which is probably why we both find ourselves in messes all the time.

            I heard him slam something against the counter, and I took that as my time to walk in.

            “Hey.” I said, opening up the fridge to get something to drink. He grunted in acknowledgment and fiddled with the phone in his hands.

            “Where were you last night?” He asked me, still looking down at the phone.

            “I was with Ryder.” I said, as if that answered everything.

            “I figured that.” He sighed.

            “I slept at his house, okay?”

            “Of course.” He huffed. “Did you two declare your love for each other yet, or do I still have to painfully watch as you two look at each other like love sick puppies?”

            “For your information, we did, and I don’t know where we stand, but we know how we both feel, so we’re going from there. I’m assuming it’s more than you can say about your problems right now.”

            “You don’t know anything.” He snapped.

            “Just go to his house and talk to him.” I sighed.

            “If he’s not answering his phone, I’m not going to go to his house and make a fool of myself.” He said bitterly. I sat down at the stool, watching him as he tensed even talking about Adam. It was cute in a way, that he actually cared for someone, but it was also sad knowing he pretty much screwed it up. I pulled the hair in my face into a bun and sat there waiting for him to continue.

            “I know I screwed it up, I just didn’t- I don’t know.” He finally said, cutting himself off.

            “Did you love him?” I asked without even thinking it through. He didn’t look at me, still at the phone in his hand.

            “I’m confused.” He finally admitted.

            “Tell him that then.”

            “I can’t get in contact with him, Al!”

            “How did you know you were feeling something really different for him?” I asked him. I was now on a roll with these questions, and now that Tyler was finally answering me, I was going to help him, even if he’s being an ass.

            “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I always thought we were best friends, you know? We were always around each other, doing everything together. I always admired him, you know? I always wanted to be like him, everybody loves him. Then I started to try and impress him, doing what I could to make him see me as an equal. When we were in high school, he got his first real girlfriend, naturally I was jealous, and she was pretty. At first, I thought it was because I guessed she was going up all his time.”

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