Chapter Seventeen

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I don't know where I'm going with this story, by the way. I keep getting all of these ideas, so I'm apologizing if it's not what you were expecting or like. Or if it doesn't make sense. I have to go through and edit but I'm really stressed right now because on Thursday I'm  moving up to school! Yeah! College! So if I don't ever update, that's why.

but here's one before I go.


Chapter Seventeen


                I don’t exactly condone fighting; in fact, I hate it more than anything. Especially when Ryder thinks he’s tough and can take Adam. Adam is gigantic; Ryder is going to lose. Unfortunately, in the back of my mind, I was sort of alright with Ryder going to smack some sense into Adam. The look on my brother’s face broke my heart; I’ve never seen him like that. He just looked so defeated.

                Ryder wasn’t picking up his phone, which made me a little nervous considering the circumstances. I don’t know what will happen when he gets there, Ryder has some anger issues when it comes to situations like this. My father, however, seemed to be eating this up as he sat on the living room couch, watching Jerry Springer.

                “Your boyfriend will take care of it.” He reassured me.

                “Dad.” I whined, still slightly annoyed that he assumes that Ryder is my boyfriend. I mean, I guess we are dating… I think, but it’s still slightly difficult to get used to.

                “Have you talked to your brother yet?” He asked me, ignoring my complaining.

                “No, have you?” I asked.

                “No, but I don’t think he’ll listen to a word I’m saying if I do.”

                “That’s a lie.” I argued.

                “Al, he didn’t even feel comfortable telling me what was going on with him and Adam, not like I didn’t know myself. I’m not going to force him to tell me what he’s feeling.” He said seriously.

                “But he always goes to you.”

                “I think he’s scared Al, wouldn’t you be?”

                “I guess.” I sighed.

                “Just talk to him, I haven’t heard any noises up there so that means it’s worse than we thought.” This was completely true because usually if Tyler is upset, he’ll throw things against his wall and you’ll hear banging of objects somewhere in the house, but now all you hear is silence and it’s frightening.

                “Fine.” I huffed. Walking up the stairs to his bedroom, I tried thinking about what I was going to say. What do you say? I’m sorry you turned down the guy you love and he’s with someone else? I’m sorry that he’s an ass? This was all too complicated for me and I didn’t like it. Unfortunately, we’re a family and I need to take care of Tyler, he carries too much weight on his shoulder.

                I knocked on his door, and not even five seconds of standing there he was already shouting at me to leave.

                “Tyler, just let me in.” I pleaded.

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