Chapter Twenty Five

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Hello! Not my favorite chapter but just something. I'm trying to wrap up the story but I just don't want to like, end it and that be it. I want it to be, I don't know, crafted carefully. ANyway, I'll probably be updating a lot because I'm waiting for my Kindle to come in and I got an email saying "Adverse weather conditions" so I'll be highly disappointed if it doesn't come in today. It probably won't, my life is unfortunate.

Please comment and vote if you want to see something happen. I am thinking about doing a sequel that is through Tyler and Adam. If you think so, let me hear your thoughts!

Peace out!


Chapter Twenty-Five


            “I really don’t want to know what they’re doing.” Winced as I thought about what Ally’s brother and Adam could be doing tonight. Winston hasn’t left my side since we brought him home and we both lay on my bed while Ally paces back and forth in my bedroom, biting her cute little small fingers.

            “Don’t you think they’re moving too soon?” She asked, looking up at the ceiling as if it would give her answers. Winston cocked his head to the side watching her actions.

            “We had sex before we even defied our relationship.” I pointed out, but that must have been the wrong thing to say because Winston nipped at my hand and Ally glared at me.

            “We also have a different relationship. What if Adam hurts him again?” She asked seriously, grabbing Winston and holding him in her hands. She ran her hands up and down his back and he didn’t mind while she had an argument with herself.

            “I don’t know about that, I think Adam is going to stay with him.” I said honestly. The way Adam looks at Tyler, I would be surprised if he left him. Tyler pulling the same mistake twice would be the only reason Adam would leave him, and with everything that they’ve been through, I find that not happening.

            Ally plopped down on the bed and let Winston curl up into her lap. She pulled her wild hair into a bun and sighed, clearly not at ease with the conversation we were having. Leaning over, I kissed her forehead and frowned when Winston let out a small yelp.

            “Did he seriously just bark at you for kissing me?” Ally laughed. I kissed her again and Winston barked at me again.

            “That’s not fair! He’s supposed to be my buddy!” I whined. Ally smacked me in the arm and kissed Winston on the forehead. There was a moment of silence before Ally spoke up again and with the serious look on her face, I knew I wasn’t going to like what I was going to hear.

            “Ryder, what’s going to happen with us?” She finally asked. That was the big question that was lingering in the back of my head, but I was too afraid to ask it, due to her father passing and the other dramas at home, I didn’t think it was right to bring it up.

            “I don’t know.” I sighed out honestly. I rubbed the back of my neck, wondering what the hell was going to happen to us.  The summer was going to end and we were going to have to pick up our lives again, we couldn’t live in this little fairytale we had going on between us. Set aside the negatives, Ally and I were having a great relationship.

            College was coming around and she would have to decide if she really wanted to go away or if she wanted to live at home. They held her spot for her but I knew time was ticking and it was only a matter of time before she got phone calls demanding answers from the two schools she was deciding on. It was really her call; whatever she wanted to do was okay with me. I was not going to push her to move up to school if she was not ready for it. I wished that circumstances had been different so she could be, because I want to move in to an apartment with her.

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