Chapter Sixteen

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Hello. Hi. Aren't you happy to see a new update? So, I hope this chapter doesn't suck, because I've written it three times and this was the best I could come up with. Beware of another update that might happen tonight or tomorrow night, I'm not positve. I hope you like the chapter!


Chapter Sixteen


                “I don’t know how I feel about you and my sister shacking up when I’m right around the corner.” Tyler said as he tossed in some lettuce into the shopping cart. I immediately blushed and shook my head, trying to ignore Tyler’s comments.

                “We’re not shacking up.” I defended, slightly annoyed that I even had to use that term. Ally is lucky that I love her because there is no way I hell I would have volunteered to go grocery shopping with Tyler while he is still heartbroken over Adam.

                Tyler refused to push the cart, because it was a “girl’s job” and no matter how many times I’ve tried to tell him that it doesn’t matter, I still got stuck with the cart.

                “Right, whatever.” He scoffed.

                “What the hell is your problem?” I snapped.

                “Hey, you shouldn’t be snapping at me, I could beat your ass to a pulp if you hurt my sister!” He said, pointing his stupid fingers into my chest. I rolled my eyes at his outburst and ran the cart over his toe

                “You know very well that I’m not going to hurt her, you’re just upset because of your own issues.” I said, heading toward the vegetables.

                “You know nothing about my problems.” He muttered.

                “You’re so full of shit.” I sighed. “You’re sitting around feeling sorry for yourself and you haven’t even tried to do anything!”

                “There’s nothing I can do, Adam won’t talk to me.” He snapped.

                “If you give up, Tyler, you’re going to lose him for good.” I said seriously.

                “Maybe that’s what I deserve.” He shrugged.

                “Oh fuck.” I groaned.  Of course, while Adam and Tyler were still arguing, they both happened to be in the store the same day, and of course, Adam was not alone. “Tyler, go get some ketchup.” I demanded.

                “Like hell I’m doing that. You cannot order me around-“Tyler was cut off short when he literally bumped into Adam. Adam turned around to see whom he knocked into, and once his eyes landed on Tyler, he started to frown.


                “Tyler.” He said shortly, looking around and avoiding all eye contact with him.

                “We’re just leaving.” I said, trying to get Tyler away from Adam before his new interest came around the corner, but of course, Tyler took this exact time to spill his feelings.

                “Adam, I tried to call you, I hope you got my messages, I’m sorry. I was scared but I’m not and I miss you-“

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