Chapter Twelve

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I know you're like, you better have a better chapter because your story sucks and you're not updating enough. I know, I'm sorry. I'm really doing my best. I promise. My hours got cut at work, but I'm busy all the time, not enough time to write, but I'm doing my best. Plus, it's summer.

Anyway, I divided this chapter in half so I hope you like it!

Comment and vote, you know the drill.


Chapter Twelve


It felt like there millions of people, Ryder was right; partying was not my thing. I guess I just wanted to prove him wrong, but at the moment, I just wanted to go home. I had too many things running through my mind to be at a party. What the hell was going on with Tyler? What was going on with Ryder? And what the fuck was I going to to do about my dad? I needed to let go tonight, even if that wasn’t the best option.

Ryder was rushed away by his friends, clearly breaking his rule of not leaving my side. I didn’t expect him to literally stand by my side the whole night, but I didn’t expect him to leave it so quickly. I felt awkward standing there not doing anything, so I walked to one of the coolers and got a wine cooler.

“Need help?” I heard a familiar voice. Looking up, I found the voice to match Henry. I didn’t really want to talk to him; in fact, I wanted to just punch his headlights out and then leave. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do that, so I had to tolerate him.

“Hey, Henry.” I said awkwardly, scratching my arm. Maybe if he senses the awkwardness, he’ll go away.


I tried shifting around him, but it seemed like there was no use, he wasn’t moving any time soon, and there was no way in hell I could get around him.

“Henry.” I sighed, trying to get around him.

“Look, I wanted to apologize for the other night.” He said awkwardly.

“Right.” I smirked.

“Look, I know you shouldn’t even be talking to me, and I know I screwed up bad, but I figured it didn’t matter anyway.” He said quickly.

“Why wouldn’t it matter?” I asked cautiously. I already knew I wasn’t going to like this answer.

“I’ve got nothing compared to him.” He said, glancing at Ryder, who was laughing with a bunch of football buddies.

Henry was hot, I mean, he has a fucking swimmer’s body. He was a lifeguard, he had a ton of friends, and he had a bright future. But I think that’s all he’ll be, just a hot guy who meant nothing to me.

He didn’t compare to Ryder, which was pissing me off because Ryder wasn’t even so great himself, he just knew me long enough. This whole ordeal was getting exhausting anyway. Did Ryder like me? I liked him, sure, I think I always have, and just recently experienced the feeling.

Dear Lord.

Ryder and I couldn’t date for numerous reasons. For one, he doesn’t even date people like me. In fact, if I wasn’t his best friend, he would probably ignore me at all costs. Secondly, I’m probably not cool enough for him. Why would he want to date me anyway? Isn’t this just silly?

Yet, this doesn’t explain the way he’s been behaving for the past couple of days. I looked back at Henry and frowned.

“Why does everything come down to him?”

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