Chapter 11

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Hi, I'm updating again! obviously! It's quicker than last time, huh? I'm also hoping for more reads. It sounds douchey and I know you're thinking "could ya not?" But before my other story went all wacky and cracky, I had like, 900 reads. Not even lying. So it would be nice to get up to like, eighty. I decided to divide this chapter in half, because it seems more interesting that way. I want to have a Ally and ryder's POV but in different chapters. I hate when they're in the same chapter.

Anyway, it's like, 90 degrees outside and I'm sitting in the air. I don't know if I'll be able to update anytime soon than tonight, I work everyday next week except thursday for the fourth of july.

but now I'm done with this rant and you can enjoy the chapter! yay! 

hope I didn't upset you.



Chapter 11


I heard Tyler fumbling around downstairs, so I slowly crept down there. I really didn’t want to be around him, he’s the worst person to be around when he’s in his moods. Anyone will avoid him, it’s almost worse than me when I’m on my period. Mr. Moody Pants was banging cupboards and slamming shit on the counters, grunting in the process.

As I crept into the kitchen, he didn’t even acknowledge me and I was kind of okay with that, and kind of pissed off. He’s not one for sharing his feelings and that junk, and that’s fine because he’s a boy, but he really hurt his best friend. Doesn’t he want to talk about it?

“Do you want to talk?” I asked nicely.

Ass ignored me.

“Are you okay?” I tried again.

“Leave me alone, Ally.” He snapped. Clearly, something crawled up his ass and died from his attitude. Sure, I expect it with the situation with dad, but usually he’s just quiet. I’ll take quiet Tyler over pissy Tyler any day.

“Is all that stuff true?” I blurted.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” He said coldly. Clearly, he didn’t want to talk about it, but I wasn’t going to let up.

“You’re going to, you know. You can’t avoid a problem forever. Especially one that causes you to lose your best friend.”

“I didn’t lose him.” He scoffed.

“Really? Then what’s this?” I asked, taking his bracelet out of my pocket and slamming it down on the counter. Tyler’s eyes left the pantry and he looked down at the counter, not saying anything.

“You lost someone who actually cared about you, Tyler. You gave him this idea that you two were something more than you are. If you feel the same way about him, why won’t you tell him? What is so wrong? Clearly, it’s been going on for a while.”

“YOu don’t know anything.” He snapped. He didn’t look at me, he just grabbed the bracelet and held it in his hands.

“Are you gay?” I finally asked in the dead silence. He stood there for a moment, not saying a word, like I knew he wouldn’t. He stood up and stomped his way up the stairs to his bedroom, and slamming the door with full force.

I wanted to bang my head against the counter. What the hell is wrong with him? I don’t care if he’s gay, honestly, I’ll love him. I’m not gay, so I guess I don’t understand what’s so hard about acceptance, besides the world, but the way I see it, if you love someone, you don’t ignore it because of their gender or you’re afraid.

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