Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two


                I woke up with Ally’s tiny body tangled in mine. Her skin pressed against mine was like fire and I bit my lip, hoping that my little friend would not come alive when Ally was here.  Pressing her head against my shoulder, she tightened her grip on my waist causing me to blush at us cuddling. A huge grin slapped across my face knowing that she was mine. My heart was pounding in my chest when I thought about last night and I could not help the blush that formed to my face.

                Never in my life had I stayed the night and woke up cuddling someone. I know all boys say that but it is true. It is not that we are completely jerks-though it is half the reason, it also has to do with attachment issues. Attachment to anyone scared me shitless since my father left. That provocative question is always going to be in the back of my head. What if they left me like my father. It is not as if it is not possible because it has happened once, and I blame him for my lack of trust in people. All my life I needed Ally around, she was the light that I needed to live. I knew she would not leave me, and if she ever did, I would not be able to move past that.

                She stirred in her sleep and looked up at me. Her big eyes were hypnotizing and I could have stared at them forever. A sleepy smile appeared on her face and she pressed her head into my chest. I nervously wondered if she could hear the rapid beating of my heart, or the way she made my body tingle with every touch.

                “Good morning.” She yawned, closing her eyes and snuggling closer into me.

                “How did you sleep?” I asked her as I played with her fingers.

                “Perfectly.” She smiled. “It made me wish life was perfect like this all the time.” She said honestly.

                “Well, we can make sure every bed experience-“

                “Ryder!” She scolded, hitting me playfully on the stomach.

                “I’m just saying-“

                “You sure ruin a moment.” She huffed, sitting up. “What time is it?” She finally asked.

                “Ten.” I said, rubbing my eyes. Grabbing her clothes off the bedroom floor, she headed toward the bathroom. While she was in there, I realized how empty my bed felt without her. It was such a cliché thought and a feminine one if that; but there was no doubt that it was true.

                When she came back out of the bathroom, she looked cleaned up and peaceful. I watched her as she checked her phone, obviously looking for important phone calls. I heard her give a relieved sigh when she put her phone down; happy that there were no alarming calls she needed to answer.

                I sat up in bed, slipped my boxers on, and stood up, stretching my body. The sun was creeping through my shades and I knew at some point that we would have to face the day. I did not want Ally to leave, but I knew she had to get back home. Not only did she have to check on her father, but also she had to make sure her brother was all right. He is gone around now saying that he is okay, but we are all waiting for something that is going to make him snap again. As bad as it sounds, it is very common for someone in his position, which means Ally has been watching him like a hawk.

                “I’ll pick up smoothies on the way back to your house.” I smiled at how her face lit up and she nodded her head, biting her lip turning my little friend on.

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