Chapter 4

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I woke up in a startle. Crap. What time is it?

I looked at the time, and it's past four in the afternoon. We arrived at L'Amore just before lunch.

After eating lunch, Faith and I laid down on the couch and watched TV. We must have fallen asleep. But where is she?

"Faith?" I called out.

I heard faint voices by the front porch. The manly voice sounded so familiar.

I frowned.

I straightened my clothes and got up on my feet, and headed out of the living room to the front door.

"Faith? Sweet face, who are you talking too..." the words died on my mouth when I saw who was at the door.

Oh god... My knees wobbled at the sight in front of me.

"Mommy, he says he's your friend," Faith said.

I don't know how I was able to speak through my shock and surprise. "Faith, come here, honey."

She immediately ran towards me.

I bent down to her eye level. "What did I tell you about talking to strangers? Why did you open the door to a stranger?"

"But.. Nardo knows him."

I frowned. "Bernardo?"

She nodded.

"I'm hardly a stranger, Andi." It was Ethan.

I ignored him and faced my daughter.

"Do me a favor, sweet face. Go up to your room, and don't come out until I come and get you, okay?"

"Are you angry, mommy? Don't be angry. I'm sorry," she said, as her lips quivered.

"I'm not angry at you, baby," I said and kissed her. "Just do what mommy tells you okay?"

"Okay mommy," she said, and ran up the stairs.

I waited until I heard Faith's door closed, then I turned back to Ethan.

"What are you doing here? You have no right to be here," I gritted out, ignoring how handsome he looked. The years have done him good.

I wish it didn't.

If it's even possible, he grew more handsome than he was at twenty one. He was tall. His shoulders seemed broader, but the rest of him is still the same. He was still the same sexy-muscled guy he was the first time I saw him, sitting at the end of the bar, watching me sing.

But it wasn't his sexiness that caught my eye that first time. It was his eyes. His sultry, dark-lashed greyish blue eyes that drew me to him.

He took my breath away every time I laid eyes on him.

He was irresistibly beautiful. He made my knees week, and was still doing so, five years later.... Here... Inside my home.

"I'd say, I have every right to be here, since my daughter is here," he retorted.

Anger and disbelief flashed across his eyes and I feel the blood drain on my face. So now he cares. He didn't care five years ago. Why does he care now?

"She's not yours, Ethan. She's my daughter. Mine!"

"Don't lie to me. If you really wanted to lie to me, then you shouldn't have written my name on her birth certificate."

I ignored his response and said, "I want you to leave."

"Over my dead body! How dare you keep my child away from me?"

His Heart's Love (Book 3 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now