Chapter 6

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I've been having problems with wattpad lately, and it's not allowing me to add chapters and save my work. A few you have messaged me regarding missing chapters from my past completed books, so I just want to inform everyone that I have not deleted or unpublished any parts of my books, the problem lies with the app itself. If you encounter the same problems, I have a few suggestions for you:

1: Try to reload/refresh the page again.

2: Delete and add the story again in your library.

3: Check back again, every now and then to see if the chapter can be viewed.

4: Send me a message if you have tried all three and I will send a message again to the help/support centre for wattpad.

Thank you all for the patience and understanding. I do hope that the issues are resolved ASAP!



An hour later, Lloyd called me back with the information I asked for.

"Sir, I found what you were asking for. There were multiples calls from a number in Louisiana...." He started to say, I didn't need him to finish to know that Andi was telling me the truth.

"I also found letters mailed to you in one of her drawers," Lloyd said.

How could I have been so fucking stupid?

Anger flared inside of me. "I want Tiffany's things boxed. I'm on my way back. I'll be there in a couple of hours, and I want Tiffany escorted to the conference room. She is not to know about any of this, until I arrive."

"I understand, Sir. We'll see you soon," he said.

I ended the call and quickly grabbed my things.

I looked at the time. It's past 5pm. Hopefully I get there before 9pm.

While I was driving back to the city all I could think about was how badly I messed up with Andi. Again. Deep in my heart I knew she was telling me the truth, but I was too angry to listen.

I just have to talk to her and apologize. Right now I need to deal with Tiffany and get to the bottom of everything.

When I arrived at my office, Lloyd was there waiting for me.

"Sir," he said in acknowledgement.

"Thank you for staying so late. Where is she?"

"She's in the conference room. I told her that there's an emergency meeting and that you asked for her to stay," Lloyd said.

"Thank you."

"These are the record of the calls and also the letters we found in her desk."

I grabbed the papers in a tight grip, as I tried to reign in my anger.

"The security men are also in place. Her things are being taken care of as well, as we speak."

"Good. Let a get this done," I said as we headed down to the conference room.

I opened the door to the conference room and found Tiffany with her iPad.

When she saw me, she stood up and smiled.

"Sir," she said in acknowledgement.

I had to reign myself in, when all I wanted to do was grab her and shake her senseless. I have never wanted to hurt or even thought about hurting a woman until now. Until Tiffany.

His Heart's Love (Book 3 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now