Chapter 19

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Hi guys there's probably going to be a lot of errors in the next two chapters, so please bare with me!!!

I will try to edit when I get the chance to fix some of my mistakes...

Happy Reading :)


"I need to be inside you now, honey," I rasped out. "It's been too long..."

She moaned and groaned in response.

She moved her hand down and dug her nails into my ass, pulling me forward.

I sank my hardness deep inside of her and groaned at her tightness.

Andi gasped.

"Fuck, honey..." I cursed. "Did I hurt you?"

"Just a little," she croaked out. "It's been awhile."

How long is awhile?

The thought of someone else making love to Andi was like an acid being poured down my throat.

I maintained a steady thrust inside of her.

"Fuck. So fucking tight," I groaned as I continued my thrust.

She moaned and thrashed under me.

"How long, honey?" I asked while I thruster deeper and deeper inside of her.

She shook her head.

"Tell. Me. " I demanded with every thrust.

"Oh god..." she mewled.

She shook her head again, and so I responded by thrusting inside of her harder and faster.

"Tell me," I demanded again.

"Just you!" She screamed as she reached her climax.

I soon followed. "Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck," I groaned as I found my own release.

I buried my face in Andi's neck, and tried to catch my breath.

A few moments later, I pulled back and kissed Andi on her lips.

"It's always been you, Ands," I whispered huskily. "Just you," I said. "I've never been with anyone since that night we made Faith," I admitted.

Andi looked at me. Her expression was unreadable.

I kissed her forehead and laid down in my back, bringing her with me.

I felt her stiffen at first, but a few seconds later, I felt her relax and the even sound of her breath told me that she has fallen asleep.

I smiled and brush her hair away from her sweat-slick forehead and kissed the top of head.

I don't what will happen to us after this, but for now, I'm going to enjoy the feeling of having Andi in my arms.

I wrapped my arms tighter around her, afraid that she might disappear.

A single tear escaped my eye. My heart was squeezing painfully, making it hard for me to breathe. I was remembers by the fact that our love making was not about love for Andi. It was about goodbye.

His Heart's Love (Book 3 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now