Chapter 17

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"Daddy, why can't we live all together?" I heard Faith ask Ethan, after reading her a bed time story.  

I know it was wrong for me to listen to what they believe is a private conversation, but I can't help but be intrigued and curious as to how Ethan is going to respond to Faith's question.

"Remember when I told you that I did something really bad that hurt your mom?" Ethan said, causing my heart to jump to my throat.

Faith nodded. "Uhuh. But daddy you gots to say sorry. I already told you that she likes when you say sorry."

"But you see, sometimes saying you're sorry is not enough. Especially if you really hurt that person," Ethan explained. "You're too young to understand, but daddy was bad," his voice cracked.

I felt my eyes well with tears.

"I really hurt your mommy and I wasn't there for her when she needed me. I wasn't there for you too."

"But that's okay daddy, because mommy said it. She said you didn't know about me. She said you would be there if you know about me. She said that you love me."

"You're mommy said that?" Ethan asked in surprise.

"Uhuh," Faith responded.

"She's right. I love you, and I love your mommy. No matter what happens, I want you to never ever forget that," Ethan said. "Your mommy and I will do anything for you. Right now, your mommy needs time to be able to forgive me and learn to trust me again, so we can't rush her."

"Then we can live all together?"

"I hope so princess. I hope so," Ethan replied.

I pushed away from the door, leaned back against the wall, closed my eyes tightly, and swallowed the lump in my throat.

Ethan's words rang in my head.

"Your mommy and I will do anything for you..."

Can I do it? Is it really too much to ask?

"What do I do," I whispered quietly.

You already know what to do, I told myself.


I knocked on Andi's door to see if she was ready to go. We're heading to LA for Adam and Ally's benefit concert tomorrow night.

"Come in," I heard her say.

"Hey are you ready? Faith's all set," I said.

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."

I looked at her suitcases and frowned.

"Are you bringing all those things?" I asked.

She nodded. "Well, this is pretty much everything I've got, plus Faith's things."

"Are you planning on staying in LA, longer?"

She nodded. "I figured, we're going to need all our things if we're going to live in LA," she said, causing my jaw to drop.

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