Chapter 21

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"You okay bro?" Jason asked me.

I nodded.

"It doesn't look like it," Jason said.

"She finally agreed to move back with me for Faith's sake," I said. "But she hasn't changed her mind about us."

"It's a start. But Ethan, you can't force her. You have to give her the time and space she needs."

I nodded. "I know. But it hurts you know. It hurts knowing she's right in front of me, but I can't just walk over to her and hold her... Hug her."

"I know... I know what you mean, but she's hurting. You can see it in her eyes, and if you push too hard, you're going to lose her completely."

"No matter what I do, I feel like I'm losing her," I said.

Jason squeezed my shoulder comfortingly in response.

"We're all here for you little bro... For all of you."

I nodded. "Thanks. I appreciate it."

Jason smiled.

"You're little girl looks so much like you and it's quite obvious that Andi did an amazing job raising her," Lucas said as he walked over to us.

I smiled proudly. "With a mom like Andi, there's no question that Faith turned out a wonderful little girl."

Lucas smiled and nodded. "The twins are all over her," Lucas nodded towards his sons hugging Faith, and Faith giggling with joy.

"This is how it should have always been," I murmured painfully.

"We all made mistakes, but it's never too late to make things right," Luke said.

"People always say that... But is it really never too late?" I responded.

"The people who believes otherwise, are the ones who gave up too quickly," Luke pointed out.

"I will never give up on Andi or Faith."

"I didn't say you would," he said with a smile. "And if you did, then you wouldn't be the man we all know you to be," he added. "You're not a quitter, Ethan."

We spent the next little while playing with the kids, while we wait for our wives to return.

"Oh by the way, Adam called me earlier today he said he'll match the proceeds that will be collected tomorrow night and donate the same amount to Olivia's org," Luke said.

"Really? That's great," We all said in unison.

"Yeah, Livie and I are just so grateful to all of you for all the support and generosity you've been giving," Luke said.

"It's our pleasure," Marco said with a smile.

I nodded and clapped my brother's back.

I can still see the pain in my brother's eyes. I know that he will carry that pain for the rest of his life. What happened to Liv still makes me angry and makes me want to rip out that bastard's throat, but that would be too easy for that low life. And looking at Liv, she's just so strong and she wouldn't want us to keep on thinking about the past.

After finding out the truth about what happened to Liv, we've all looked into supporting women who suffered from abuse. Now Liv has started her own organization supporting women and children who are victims of abuse.  It only started a few months ago, but the org has already done a lot of good to the community, and I can see the pride in Luke's eyes when he looks at his wife.

His Heart's Love (Book 3 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now